417 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 417:
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417-836-5999 from Crandal
Tried to call this number back when I missed this call and I got a message saying that the mail box was full and it hung up.

417-326-7765 from Roger
Missed a bunch of calls from this number. They never leave a message. I've never known what they've wanted.

417-825-0517 from Hazell
Got a call in the middle of the night form this number. I mean don't you think the telemarketers can get the time zones right.

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Searched numbers in the 417 area:

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417-838-1157 417-838-1742 417-838-2127 417-838-2144 417-838-2403 417-838-2908
417-838-2921 417-838-3251 417-838-4401 417-839-2628 417-840-0240 417-840-0409
417-840-0457 417-840-1772 417-840-2018 417-840-2380 417-840-2460 417-840-2488
417-840-2689 417-840-2805 417-841-1453 417-843-2352 417-843-3235 417-844-0502
417-844-0520 417-844-1608 417-844-2017 417-844-2151 417-844-2425 417-844-3077
417-846-0154 417-846-3054 417-847-2311 417-848-0382 417-848-0399 417-848-0977
417-848-1188 417-848-1301 417-848-1584 417-848-2422 417-848-2747 417-848-2867
417-848-2916 417-849-1166 417-849-1333 417-849-1605 417-849-2869 417-849-3090
417-850-1684 417-850-2249 417-851-1547 417-853-2227 417-859-0000 417-859-0140
417-859-0521 417-859-2603 417-859-2698 417-860-0000 417-860-0778 417-860-0835
417-860-2495 417-860-4376 417-861-0078 417-861-1793 417-861-2271 417-861-2463
417-861-2532 417-862-0000 417-862-0060 417-862-0265 417-862-1098 417-862-1258
417-862-1289 417-862-2458 417-862-2630 417-862-2816 417-862-3078 417-863-1493
417-863-1906 417-863-2059 417-863-2235 417-864-1074 417-864-2331 417-864-2693
417-864-2894 417-865-0000 417-865-0915 417-865-1658 417-865-2145 417-865-2150
417-865-2327 417-865-3175 417-866-0614 417-866-0845 417-866-1081 417-866-1269
417-866-1379 417-866-2531 417-866-2693 417-866-3077 417-868-0000 417-868-0076
417-869-1034 417-869-1981 417-869-2673 417-871-2610 417-872-0647 417-872-2490
417-872-2593 417-874-1927 417-875-3201 417-876-1137 417-877-0000 417-877-0061
417-877-0294 417-877-0312 417-877-0390 417-877-0537 417-877-1153 417-877-1156
417-877-1157 417-877-1160 417-877-1528 417-877-1672 417-877-2405 417-877-2417
417-877-2484 417-877-2489 417-877-2616 417-877-2618 417-877-2682 417-879-0071
417-879-0072 417-879-0083 417-880-0854