417 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 417:
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417-836-5999 from Crandal
Tried to call this number back when I missed this call and I got a message saying that the mail box was full and it hung up.

417-326-7765 from Roger
Missed a bunch of calls from this number. They never leave a message. I've never known what they've wanted.

417-825-0517 from Hazell
Got a call in the middle of the night form this number. I mean don't you think the telemarketers can get the time zones right.

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Searched numbers in the 417 area:

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417-664-0084 417-664-0622 417-664-2232 417-664-2305 417-664-2659 417-664-3221
417-667-1531 417-667-1933 417-667-2945 417-668-0112 417-669-0976 417-669-1381
417-669-1562 417-669-1640 417-671-1054 417-671-1862 417-671-1982 417-671-2128
417-671-2197 417-671-2474 417-672-3139 417-673-0032 417-673-0228 417-673-0501
417-673-1414 417-673-2473 417-673-2721 417-674-0964 417-674-1184 417-674-1869
417-674-2925 417-676-0285 417-676-0505 417-677-2502 417-678-2222 417-679-0233
417-679-2466 417-681-3218 417-682-1630 417-682-1669 417-682-2032 417-682-2536
417-682-2547 417-683-0803 417-683-2656 417-684-2575 417-684-2684 417-684-2824
417-684-2894 417-688-0242 417-689-0005 417-689-1625 417-689-1902 417-689-2487
417-693-0000 417-693-0116 417-693-1407 417-693-2078 417-693-2149 417-693-2294
417-693-2929 417-693-4517 417-693-9711 417-699-0422 417-699-2291 417-699-2657
417-699-3158 417-702-1996 417-712-1018 417-718-0150 417-718-2116 417-718-2760
417-718-2805 417-718-2908 417-718-3093 417-718-3712 417-724-0032 417-724-1286
417-724-2935 417-725-1498 417-725-2064 417-725-2305 417-725-2614 417-725-2836
417-725-3155 417-731-1199 417-732-0000 417-732-1668 417-732-1952 417-732-2233
417-732-2257 417-732-2308 417-732-2914 417-733-1137 417-733-1648 417-733-2282
417-736-2287 417-736-2545 417-736-2940 417-736-2945 417-736-3124 417-737-0219
417-737-1140 417-737-1627 417-737-1755 417-737-2223 417-737-2257 417-737-2334
417-737-2604 417-737-3200 417-738-2181 417-739-1764 417-741-1903 417-741-2124
417-742-0682 417-742-0861 417-742-2802 417-743-2394 417-743-2601 417-743-2741
417-743-3182 417-749-2244 417-753-1089 417-753-1908 417-753-2140 417-754-1467
417-756-2003 417-756-2121 417-762-1996 417-763-0000 417-763-0193 417-763-0619
417-763-0993 417-763-1409 417-763-2181