417 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 417:
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417-836-5999 from Crandal
Tried to call this number back when I missed this call and I got a message saying that the mail box was full and it hung up.

417-326-7765 from Roger
Missed a bunch of calls from this number. They never leave a message. I've never known what they've wanted.

417-825-0517 from Hazell
Got a call in the middle of the night form this number. I mean don't you think the telemarketers can get the time zones right.

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Searched numbers in the 417 area:

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417-259-1984 417-259-1985 417-259-2009 417-259-2039 417-259-3237 417-260-0156
417-260-1872 417-260-1967 417-260-2411 417-261-2574 417-262-0261 417-262-0425
417-262-0751 417-262-0836 417-262-3264 417-263-0063 417-264-2353 417-264-2374
417-264-3116 417-265-0080 417-265-2749 417-267-2167 417-267-2500 417-268-0107
417-268-0436 417-268-0911 417-269-2788 417-271-0462 417-272-0767 417-272-1853
417-273-2214 417-274-0936 417-274-1228 417-274-1386 417-274-2996 417-276-1460
417-276-1521 417-276-1916 417-276-3004 417-276-3255 417-277-0069 417-286-3057
417-288-0040 417-291-0000 417-291-0211 417-291-0447 417-291-0466 417-291-0584
417-291-0712 417-291-1263 417-291-1415 417-291-1463 417-291-1817 417-291-2011
417-291-2060 417-291-2341 417-291-2565 417-291-2708 417-291-2786 417-291-2825
417-291-2939 417-293-1805 417-293-2340 417-293-2608 417-293-2645 417-294-0000
417-294-0330 417-294-0843 417-294-1049 417-294-1740 417-294-1816 417-294-2552
417-294-6203 417-296-0379 417-296-0827 417-296-0922 417-296-1291 417-296-2088
417-296-2329 417-296-2637 417-296-2713 417-296-2733 417-296-2774 417-298-2030
417-299-0000 417-299-0118 417-299-0953 417-299-1050 417-299-1239 417-299-1656
417-299-2293 417-299-2421 417-299-2968 417-299-3028 417-299-5626 417-300-0000
417-300-0346 417-300-0839 417-300-1207 417-300-2302 417-300-2340 417-300-2345
417-300-2839 417-300-2901 417-300-2939 417-300-3060 417-310-2088 417-310-2398
417-310-2875 417-310-3217 417-312-0581 417-312-1276 417-312-1497 417-312-1604
417-312-1801 417-316-0287 417-316-0363 417-316-0615 417-316-1775 417-316-2103
417-316-2170 417-316-2177 417-317-0939 417-317-1313 417-317-1445 417-317-2411
417-317-2465 417-317-2495 417-317-2543 417-317-3038 417-317-3201 417-317-3210
417-321-0058 417-321-0268 417-321-1248