940 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 940:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

940-381-7636 from Blaike
I answer the call form this number, and I get a fax ring in my ear. I come home from work, and I have 3 messages with nothing but

940-381-2631 from Maurice
I pick up and I get a fax sound in my ear. Please stop trying to fax me.

940-566-3748 from Ellice
For the past month, on a daily basis, I have been getting a call from "Alternative Res" which, after I answer, gives a 2-tone

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Searched numbers in the 940 area:

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940-381-1821 940-381-2081 940-381-2169 940-381-2329 940-381-2409 940-381-2485
940-381-2576 940-381-2597 940-381-2603 940-381-2631 940-381-2643 940-381-3092
940-381-7636 940-382-2600 940-382-2939 940-382-3815 940-383-0736 940-383-1687
940-383-1852 940-383-2079 940-383-2162 940-383-2648 940-383-3023 940-383-3173
940-383-3706 940-383-4271 940-384-0000 940-384-1640 940-384-1839 940-385-0815
940-386-1986 940-387-0000 940-387-0342 940-387-0628 940-387-1404 940-387-1870
940-387-2639 940-387-2769 940-387-2783 940-387-2821 940-387-2929 940-387-2939
940-387-3263 940-389-0000 940-389-0207 940-389-0448 940-389-0596 940-389-0612
940-389-1113 940-389-1304 940-389-1530 940-389-1688 940-389-2201 940-389-2418
940-389-2568 940-389-2604 940-389-2706 940-389-2820 940-390-0017 940-390-0534
940-390-1060 940-390-1884 940-390-2072 940-391-0000 940-391-0357 940-391-1613
940-391-1654 940-391-2033 940-391-2102 940-391-2136 940-391-2591 940-391-2592
940-391-2851 940-391-2986 940-391-3110 940-391-3276