816 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 816:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

816-399-0748 from Wallace
I get a few missed calls from this number a week. It is probably some persistent telemarketer.

816-399-0747 from Jenelle
I tried to call this number back from a missed call I had and I got a message saying that the number had been disconnected.

816-379-4082 from Karren
Received several calls and they never leave a message. They are probably scammer waiting to talk to me in person.

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Searched numbers in the 816 area:

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816-461-0286 816-461-0861 816-461-1029 816-461-1649 816-461-2273 816-461-2550
816-461-2840 816-461-3088 816-462-2160 816-462-2365 816-462-2448 816-462-2471
816-462-2523 816-462-2556 816-462-3082 816-462-3156 816-462-3195 816-464-2366
816-466-0205 816-466-2220 816-466-3172 816-467-2878 816-468-0341 816-468-0699
816-468-1139 816-468-4578 816-469-1208 816-471-1124 816-471-2029 816-471-2045
816-471-2431 816-471-3144 816-472-0660 816-472-0817 816-472-1182 816-472-1494
816-474-0855 816-474-1118 816-474-1784 816-474-2058 816-474-2593 816-474-3072
816-474-3122 816-475-0331 816-476-2173 816-478-0002 816-478-1396 816-478-2089
816-478-3149 816-479-0000 816-479-2309 816-479-2800 816-479-2882 816-480-0000
816-480-2564 816-483-3240 816-487-2400 816-489-0000 816-492-0900 816-494-1663
816-500-0184 816-500-0223 816-500-0700 816-500-0753 816-500-0800 816-500-1887
816-500-2134 816-500-2331 816-500-2532 816-500-2539 816-500-2803 816-500-3246
816-501-2534 816-501-2659 816-501-2838 816-502-2400 816-503-1019 816-503-1547
816-503-2098 816-503-2125 816-503-2167 816-503-2309 816-503-2495 816-503-2721
816-503-2768 816-503-2780 816-503-2986 816-503-2992 816-504-1100 816-504-1140
816-504-1328 816-504-1483 816-505-0000 816-505-0465 816-505-1071 816-505-1799
816-505-2164 816-505-2861 816-505-2924 816-505-3129 816-505-3163 816-506-0321
816-506-0618 816-506-1487 816-506-1505 816-506-1787 816-506-1879 816-506-2220
816-506-2675 816-506-2956 816-506-3263 816-507-0000 816-507-0388 816-507-0516
816-507-0727 816-507-1345 816-507-1598 816-507-2066 816-507-2099 816-507-2181
816-507-2368 816-507-3152 816-507-3175 816-507-3259 816-508-0046 816-508-0344
816-508-0799 816-508-3030 816-509-0014 816-509-0610 816-509-1197 816-509-1253
816-509-1477 816-509-1667 816-509-1716 816-509-2219 816-509-2310 816-509-2470
816-509-2596 816-509-2744 816-509-2887 816-509-2948 816-509-3046 816-509-3109
816-510-0000 816-510-0321 816-510-0372 816-510-0420 816-510-0451 816-510-0529
816-510-0639 816-510-0646 816-510-1836 816-510-2038 816-510-2376 816-510-2402
816-510-2460 816-510-2519 816-510-2594 816-512-1471 816-513-0000 816-513-1053
816-513-1104 816-513-2232 816-516-0000 816-516-0106 816-516-0173 816-516-0220
816-516-0448 816-516-0533 816-516-0620 816-516-1072 816-516-1435 816-516-2618
816-516-2635 816-516-3164 816-516-3250 816-516-4082 816-517-0170 816-517-0266
816-517-0330 816-517-0522 816-517-0929 816-517-1421 816-517-1471 816-517-1656
816-517-1718 816-517-2196 816-517-2635 816-517-2799 816-517-2942 816-517-3130
816-518-0000 816-518-0199 816-518-0400 816-518-1223 816-518-1314 816-518-1347
816-518-3225 816-519-0000 816-519-1115 816-519-1163 816-519-1218 816-519-1892
816-519-1961 816-519-3164 816-520-0993 816-520-2097 816-520-2184 816-520-6656
816-520-8818 816-521-0139 816-521-0332 816-521-0739 816-521-0834 816-521-0944
816-521-1127 816-521-1170 816-521-1172 816-521-1333 816-521-1454 816-521-1793
816-521-1945 816-522-0919 816-522-2840 816-523-0286 816-523-0366 816-523-0949
816-523-2223 816-523-2966 816-523-3001 816-523-3069 816-524-0501 816-524-0523
816-524-0658 816-524-0662 816-524-0703 816-524-0798 816-524-0943 816-524-0996
816-524-1092 816-524-2013 816-524-2038 816-524-3110 816-524-3488 816-525-0682
816-525-0732 816-525-0849 816-525-1563 816-525-2598 816-525-3079 816-526-2179
816-527-0000 816-527-0344 816-527-2027 816-527-3003 816-527-3174 816-527-6601
816-529-1007 816-529-1322 816-529-1486 816-529-1490 816-529-1544 816-529-2047
816-529-2785 816-529-2826 816-529-2859 816-529-2992 816-529-3074 816-531-0000
816-531-0015 816-531-0109 816-531-0829 816-531-2175 816-531-2680 816-531-2801
816-531-2882 816-531-3395 816-532-2342 816-532-3261 816-533-0107 816-536-0214
816-536-0367 816-536-0657 816-536-2413 816-536-2489 816-539-2152 816-540-2060
816-540-2260 816-540-2397 816-540-2582 816-540-2922 816-540-3116