984 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 984:
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984-628-1164 from Auberon
Received calls and I never get a message. Probably scammers!

984-712-4569 from Lache
Just got called by this number, hung up before I could answer, suspecting it is a telemarketing ploy.

984-957-0081 from Dino
Calls every other week asking for Michael and I tell them every other week that they have the wrong number. It is very annoying.

984-063-5621 from Byron
Received calls and I never get a message. Probably scammers!

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Searched numbers in the 984 area:

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984-628-1164 984-646-1700 984-656-1748 984-703-0001 984-712-0000 984-712-4569