972 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 972:
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972-980-2499 from Ed
they said they loan a company

972-786-0903 from Dan
Got a call from this unknown number 3/3/09. The caller left no message and I only get a busy signal when calling back.

972-655-0010 from Stevyn
I don't know why this Dallas phone number keeps calling me, I live in Florida.

972-934-5816 from Justin
Person calls and just hangs up. Ignore this caller.

972-607-4300 from Kent
I got a call from "Giant Operating" in Dallas Texas from Steve Wheeler. No details. Sounded like a cold call and it sounded a

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Searched numbers in the 972 area:

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972-345-2135 972-345-2246 972-345-2318 972-345-2336 972-345-2826 972-345-2845
972-345-2983 972-346-2634 972-346-2636 972-346-2749 972-347-1794 972-347-1841
972-347-2494 972-347-2560 972-347-2586 972-347-2628 972-347-2640 972-347-2707
972-347-3190 972-347-3461 972-348-3000 972-350-0020 972-350-1021 972-350-1348
972-350-1402 972-350-2001 972-351-0000 972-351-1089 972-351-1099 972-351-1441
972-351-1512 972-351-1520 972-351-1616 972-351-1643 972-351-2081 972-351-2195
972-351-2577 972-351-2761 972-351-2974 972-351-3025 972-351-3251 972-352-0000
972-352-0640 972-352-0683 972-352-0739 972-352-0858 972-352-1224 972-352-1411
972-352-1857 972-352-1996 972-352-2833 972-352-2963 972-353-0164 972-353-1533
972-353-2071 972-353-2302 972-353-2334 972-353-2437 972-353-2847 972-354-0129
972-354-0652 972-355-0662 972-355-1166 972-355-1419 972-355-2522 972-355-2545
972-355-2797 972-355-2983 972-355-9431 972-357-2388 972-358-1222 972-358-1568
972-358-1964 972-359-0637 972-359-1382 972-359-2006 972-359-2265 972-359-3012
972-360-2334 972-360-2611 972-361-0177 972-361-1758 972-361-2322 972-361-2648
972-361-2696 972-362-1435 972-362-1469 972-362-1489 972-362-1495 972-362-2932
972-362-3085 972-363-1023 972-363-2323 972-363-2560 972-365-0000 972-365-0735
972-365-1015 972-365-1300 972-365-1441 972-365-1498 972-365-1837 972-365-1960
972-365-2242 972-365-2510 972-365-2533 972-365-2766 972-365-3027 972-365-3130
972-365-3168 972-366-1571 972-366-1614 972-367-0888 972-368-2214 972-368-2370
972-368-2933 972-369-0141 972-369-1419 972-369-2027 972-369-2297 972-369-3158
972-370-2156 972-370-2495 972-371-0000 972-371-1102 972-371-2418 972-371-2645
972-371-2939 972-371-3271 972-372-0000 972-372-1105 972-372-1700 972-372-2210
972-372-2988 972-373-2652 972-373-3100 972-373-3153 972-374-1923 972-374-5628
972-375-0000 972-375-0396 972-375-1049 972-375-1075 972-375-1356 972-375-1441
972-375-1536 972-375-1550 972-375-2122 972-375-2274 972-375-2345 972-375-2469
972-375-2494 972-375-2516 972-375-2592 972-375-3234 972-376-0361 972-377-0086
972-377-0389 972-377-2443 972-377-2742 972-377-2827 972-377-3043 972-377-3193
972-378-0000 972-378-0006 972-378-0753 972-378-1393 972-378-1912 972-379-2501
972-380-0144 972-380-0646 972-380-1344 972-380-2225 972-381-0084 972-381-1270
972-381-2858 972-381-2938 972-381-3121 972-382-1176 972-383-1204 972-383-1394
972-383-1482 972-384-1220 972-384-1846 972-384-1989 972-385-0387 972-385-1276
972-385-1812 972-385-1896 972-385-2140 972-385-2430 972-385-3008 972-386-1221
972-386-3015 972-386-3200 972-387-0674 972-387-0889 972-387-1134 972-387-1228
972-387-1980 972-387-2307 972-387-2796 972-388-1155 972-390-0198 972-390-0900
972-390-1856 972-390-2493 972-390-2509 972-390-2832 972-390-3056 972-391-1976
972-392-0145 972-392-0646 972-392-1506 972-392-2550 972-392-2627 972-392-2695
972-392-2712 972-392-2748 972-392-3163 972-393-0382 972-393-0932 972-393-1336
972-393-1538 972-393-2598 972-393-4309 972-394-0713 972-394-0998 972-394-1048
972-394-1972 972-394-2313 972-394-2330 972-394-2489 972-394-2966 972-395-0128
972-395-0849 972-395-1956 972-395-2505 972-395-2571 972-395-2663 972-395-2918
972-395-3107 972-396-1596 972-396-1927 972-398-0000 972-398-0246 972-398-0426
972-398-0814 972-398-3247 972-398-3897 972-400-0110 972-400-0684 972-400-0926
972-400-1318 972-400-1977 972-400-2055 972-400-2090 972-400-2303 972-400-2500
972-400-2650 972-400-2759 972-400-2818 972-400-3014 972-400-3073 972-400-3262
972-400-3367 972-400-7712 972-401-0511 972-401-1840 972-401-2622 972-402-0380
972-402-2820 972-402-7726 972-403-0146 972-403-1977 972-403-2602 972-403-2835
972-403-2856 972-403-2878 972-404-0079 972-404-3106 972-406-0000 972-406-1197
972-406-1947 972-406-2021 972-406-2782 972-406-2806 972-406-3051 972-407-0060
972-407-0146 972-407-0699 972-407-1073 972-407-2828 972-408-0325 972-408-1334
972-408-2042 972-408-2820 972-409-0000 972-409-0052 972-409-0138 972-409-0170
972-409-0218 972-409-2020 972-409-2824 972-410-0087 972-412-1025 972-412-2135
972-412-2827 972-412-2888 972-412-2902 972-412-2979 972-413-0200 972-413-0791
972-413-1200 972-414-0147 972-414-0926 972-414-1117 972-414-1318 972-414-1508
972-414-1925 972-414-2828 972-415-1468 972-415-1673 972-415-1761 972-415-1941
972-415-2042 972-415-2196 972-415-2456 972-415-2655 972-415-3012 972-416-0533
972-416-1091 972-416-1206 972-416-2545 972-416-2836 972-416-3240 972-417-0000
972-417-1125 972-417-1503