952 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 952:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

952-933-4884 from Avelina
Had this number listed a few times on my caller ID yesterday. They never left a message. It must not have been that important.

952-881-7674 from Cornall
Received call from this number. They never left a message. I tried to call it back and got a message saying the number had been

952-452-2283 from Levina
Calls every other week asking for Michael and I tell them every other week that they have the wrong number. It is very annoying.

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Searched numbers in the 952 area:

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952-440-2083 952-440-2108 952-443-3425 952-443-3889 952-443-4007 952-443-4119
952-444-1620 952-445-0010 952-445-0056 952-445-0061 952-445-0184 952-445-0731
952-445-1421 952-445-1513 952-445-1905 952-445-2557 952-445-2728 952-445-3015
952-445-3123 952-447-1332 952-447-1493 952-447-1714 952-447-1907 952-447-2060
952-447-2378 952-447-2555 952-448-2044 952-448-2429 952-449-0563 952-451-0115
952-451-0762 952-451-1012 952-451-1154 952-451-1283 952-451-1400 952-451-1531
952-451-1740 952-451-1856 952-451-2422 952-451-3074 952-452-0000 952-452-1492
952-452-1555 952-452-1710 952-452-2283 952-452-2499 952-454-0673 952-454-0900
952-454-1272 952-454-1632 952-454-1790 952-454-1810 952-454-1904 952-454-1951
952-454-2101 952-454-2223 952-454-2354 952-454-2474 952-454-2615 952-454-3107
952-454-3209 952-457-0281 952-457-1751 952-457-1998 952-457-2158 952-457-2496
952-457-2692 952-457-2910 952-457-3650 952-457-3674 952-457-4332 952-457-4399
952-460-2356 952-461-2017 952-461-2302 952-461-2551 952-461-2617 952-461-3111
952-463-2064 952-463-2538 952-465-1281 952-465-2050 952-465-2069 952-465-2092
952-465-2228 952-465-2357 952-465-2486 952-465-2501 952-465-2891 952-465-2989
952-467-2764 952-469-1588 952-469-1665 952-469-1951 952-469-2590 952-469-2791
952-470-0277 952-470-1411 952-470-2082 952-471-0837 952-471-2565 952-472-0594