952 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 952:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

952-933-4884 from Avelina
Had this number listed a few times on my caller ID yesterday. They never left a message. It must not have been that important.

952-881-7674 from Cornall
Received call from this number. They never left a message. I tried to call it back and got a message saying the number had been

952-452-2283 from Levina
Calls every other week asking for Michael and I tell them every other week that they have the wrong number. It is very annoying.

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Searched numbers in the 952 area:

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952-356-2683 952-356-2821 952-358-0193 952-358-0633 952-358-2174 952-358-2944
952-358-3240 952-361-1620 952-361-1731 952-361-3389 952-361-3441 952-361-4180
952-368-0084 952-377-2224 952-378-2296 952-381-2303 952-381-2642 952-381-2829
952-386-2400 952-388-0000 952-392-2421 952-393-1094 952-393-1415 952-393-1503
952-393-2348 952-393-3265 952-397-2781 952-403-0038 952-403-0415 952-403-1390
952-404-0489 952-404-2163 952-406-1315 952-406-1800 952-406-1841 952-406-2061
952-406-2282 952-406-2390 952-406-2566 952-406-2999 952-412-0509 952-412-0810
952-412-1104 952-412-2223 952-412-2354 952-412-2524 952-412-2682 952-412-3123
952-412-3405 952-412-3677 952-412-3776 952-412-4117 952-412-4264 952-412-4713
952-415-2561 952-417-2245 952-417-3116 952-417-3251 952-417-3253 952-417-3255
952-423-1046 952-423-1777 952-423-2448 952-426-0069 952-426-0655 952-426-0700
952-426-0950 952-426-1205 952-426-1499 952-426-1535 952-426-1741 952-426-1771
952-426-2099 952-426-2121 952-431-0727 952-431-0992 952-431-1313 952-431-2340
952-431-2363 952-431-2675 952-431-2802 952-431-3152 952-432-0024 952-432-0136
952-432-1012 952-432-1286 952-432-1499 952-432-2090 952-432-2691 952-432-2706
952-432-2915 952-432-3036 952-432-3156 952-432-4676 952-435-0197 952-435-0317
952-435-2147 952-435-3149 952-435-3180 952-435-3229 952-436-2025 952-440-2083