937 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 937:
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937-237-8501 from Jayvee
Annoying sales call...wants your credit card info. Yeah right like anyone gives that out anymore, unless you initiate the call.

937-534-2092 from Ogden
After doing some research I found out this number is from GE Money Bank. They provide special loans to dentist offices,

937-232-0377 from Enid
This number keeps calling me and telling me that "this is your last notice on your car insurance"....I don't even own a car!!!

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Searched numbers in the 937 area:

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937-478-2108 937-478-2346 937-478-2469 937-478-2931 937-478-3034 937-478-4842
937-479-0075 937-479-0374 937-479-0932 937-479-1077 937-479-1160 937-479-1330
937-479-1368 937-479-1675 937-479-2045 937-479-2338 937-479-2376 937-479-2393
937-479-2404 937-479-2437 937-479-2944 937-480-0012 937-481-3068 937-481-3118
937-484-1163 937-484-2374 937-484-3145 937-485-2402 937-489-0006 937-489-0264
937-489-1740 937-490-1135 937-490-2193 937-490-2603 937-492-0000 937-492-0377
937-492-2030 937-493-2383 937-493-2941 937-494-2478 937-495-1299 937-496-1443
937-496-2312 937-497-0325 937-497-0772 937-497-1164 937-497-1334 937-497-1371
937-498-2141 937-498-2176 937-498-2358 937-498-2387 937-498-2389 937-498-2417
937-498-2704 937-498-3041 937-499-0673 937-499-0683 937-499-0798 937-499-3104
937-503-2284 937-506-2003 937-506-2140 937-506-2183 937-508-3139 937-509-0420
937-509-2430 937-509-2651 937-510-0103 937-510-0186 937-510-0213 937-510-1575
937-512-2237 937-512-2624 937-512-3210 937-514-1148 937-514-2067 937-514-2160
937-514-2291 937-514-2352 937-514-2731 937-514-2850 937-514-3136 937-514-3493
937-515-0000 937-515-0552 937-515-1498 937-515-1625 937-515-1705 937-515-2035
937-515-2043 937-515-2808 937-515-3101 937-515-3210 937-520-0022 937-520-0433
937-520-1002 937-520-1540 937-520-1735 937-520-1898 937-520-2039 937-520-2110
937-520-2332 937-520-2904 937-520-3076 937-520-3099 937-520-3205 937-520-3211
937-521-1429 937-522-0000 937-522-0982 937-522-1350 937-522-1360 937-522-1409
937-522-2346 937-522-2778 937-522-2995 937-522-3048 937-524-1067 937-524-1194
937-524-1844 937-524-2167 937-524-2432 937-524-2919 937-524-3090 937-524-3149
937-524-3158 937-525-2462 937-525-3229 937-526-3060 937-527-1379 937-527-2503
937-529-1230 937-529-3030 937-531-1064 937-532-3170 937-533-0544 937-533-0910
937-533-2066 937-533-2216 937-534-0000 937-534-1260 937-534-1267 937-534-2066
937-534-2071 937-534-2092 937-534-2167 937-534-2168 937-534-2200 937-534-2313
937-537-1095 937-537-1194 937-537-1865 937-537-2160 937-539-0681 937-539-1928
937-539-2008 937-539-2564 937-539-2593 937-539-2870 937-540-0000 937-540-1040
937-540-1054 937-540-1058 937-540-1063 937-540-1064 937-541-1190 937-541-1950
937-542-1340 937-542-1738 937-542-1782 937-542-1919 937-542-2684 937-542-2687
937-542-3543 937-543-2000 937-543-2167 937-544-0894 937-544-2313 937-544-3247
937-545-0476 937-545-0905 937-545-1022 937-545-1161 937-545-1639 937-545-1988
937-545-2077 937-545-2106 937-545-2327 937-545-2330 937-545-3126 937-545-3246
937-546-1447 937-546-1816 937-546-2271 937-546-3233 937-547-0380 937-547-1080
937-547-1085 937-547-1315 937-547-1600 937-547-1630 937-547-1960 937-548-0000
937-548-1375 937-548-1740 937-548-1951 937-548-2104 937-548-2623 937-549-1079
937-549-1081 937-549-1883 937-549-2830 937-550-0002 937-550-0081 937-550-0144