937 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 937:
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937-237-8501 from Jayvee
Annoying sales call...wants your credit card info. Yeah right like anyone gives that out anymore, unless you initiate the call.

937-534-2092 from Ogden
After doing some research I found out this number is from GE Money Bank. They provide special loans to dentist offices,

937-232-0377 from Enid
This number keeps calling me and telling me that "this is your last notice on your car insurance"....I don't even own a car!!!

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Searched numbers in the 937 area:

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937-376-1207 937-376-1974 937-376-2132 937-376-2259 937-376-2648 937-376-2874
937-379-2289 937-379-2450 937-380-1107 937-380-1543 937-382-0000 937-382-0228
937-382-1668 937-382-2401 937-382-2728 937-382-2819 937-382-2836 937-382-5004
937-382-5872 937-383-0237 937-383-2063 937-383-2697 937-383-2977 937-384-0525
937-384-2000 937-384-3218 937-386-2439 937-387-0816 937-389-1228 937-389-1823
937-389-2503 937-389-3139 937-389-3144 937-389-3209 937-390-0266 937-390-0735
937-390-1986 937-390-2423 937-390-3068 937-393-0847 937-393-2229 937-393-2333
937-393-2482 937-393-2575 937-394-0000 937-394-2978 937-395-0000 937-395-0657
937-395-1120 937-396-1364 937-396-2277 937-397-0467 937-397-1075 937-397-1256
937-397-1457 937-397-1742 937-397-2379 937-397-2539 937-397-2655 937-397-2666
937-397-2716 937-397-2770 937-397-2818 937-397-2908 937-398-0574 937-398-0578
937-399-0000 937-399-2592 937-399-2733 937-399-3016 937-399-3231 937-401-0830
937-401-0831 937-401-0834 937-401-0838 937-401-0840 937-401-1054 937-401-1087
937-401-3070 937-402-0000 937-402-0665 937-402-0869 937-403-0000 937-403-1696
937-403-1711 937-403-1967 937-403-2242 937-403-3021 937-404-1104 937-405-1489
937-405-1506 937-405-2003 937-405-2077 937-406-2021 937-406-2024 937-407-0026
937-407-0081 937-407-0231 937-407-0737 937-407-1613 937-407-2322 937-407-2414
937-407-2541 937-408-0869 937-408-0982 937-408-1112 937-408-1863 937-408-2687
937-408-3002 937-408-3162 937-408-8821 937-409-0195 937-409-0500 937-409-0766
937-409-0930 937-409-0998 937-409-1633 937-409-1850 937-409-1950 937-409-2060
937-409-2146 937-409-2149 937-409-2331 937-409-2465 937-409-2875 937-409-2983
937-412-0818 937-412-1448 937-412-1512 937-414-0251 937-414-1389 937-414-2034
937-414-2130 937-414-2818 937-414-2909 937-415-2735 937-415-2739 937-416-0316
937-416-0758 937-416-0946 937-416-1064 937-416-1231 937-416-1780 937-416-2113
937-416-2238 937-416-2402 937-416-2501 937-416-2610 937-416-2626 937-416-2728
937-416-2821 937-416-2900 937-417-2212 937-417-2235 937-417-2372 937-417-2450
937-418-0742 937-418-1819 937-418-2008 937-418-2210 937-418-2388 937-418-2404
937-418-2408 937-418-2567 937-418-2682 937-418-2683 937-418-3256 937-418-4019
937-418-4335 937-419-2011 937-422-3020 937-423-0734 937-423-0823 937-423-0864
937-423-0981 937-423-2164 937-423-2200 937-423-2242 937-423-2369 937-423-2470
937-423-2812 937-423-3047 937-424-0000 937-424-0000 937-424-0213 937-424-1389
937-424-1401 937-424-2343 937-424-2352 937-424-2353 937-424-2393 937-424-2979
937-424-2994 937-424-3001 937-424-3005 937-424-3063 937-425-0681 937-425-2500
937-426-0000 937-426-0620 937-426-1732 937-426-2126 937-426-2276 937-426-2980
937-426-3248 937-426-3258 937-427-0119 937-427-1540 937-427-2094 937-427-2466
937-427-2580 937-427-2823 937-427-2998 937-428-0000 937-428-3103 937-428-3543