918 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 918:
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918-494-5630 from Kalen
This number showed up on my caller ID 5 times when I was at work one day and when I tried to call the number and the recording

918-494-3934 from Colan
Ignore this number. It was an automotive recording advertising something or other. Very annoying.

918-494-5064 from Annson
No response when I answered the phone. I bet they're scammers.

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Searched numbers in the 918 area:

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918-814-2259 918-814-2311 918-814-2392 918-814-2615 918-814-2724 918-814-2895
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918-814-6897 918-814-8311 918-815-0178 918-815-2218 918-815-2352 918-815-2823
918-816-0520 918-816-0728 918-816-1214 918-816-1994 918-818-0290 918-820-0797
918-820-2556 918-820-2717 918-822-1163 918-822-1228 918-822-2659 918-824-1319
918-824-1338 918-824-1881 918-824-2160 918-825-1045 918-825-1388 918-825-2139
918-825-2973 918-828-0118 918-828-1256 918-828-1265 918-828-2713 918-829-0298
918-829-0321 918-829-0450 918-829-1113 918-829-1151 918-829-1265 918-829-1274
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918-829-3043 918-829-3058 918-829-3930 918-829-3983 918-829-4166 918-829-4877
918-830-0021 918-830-2396 918-831-1910 918-831-1963 918-831-2007 918-831-2152
918-831-2260 918-832-0470 918-832-1850 918-832-4330 918-832-4333 918-833-0003
918-833-0548 918-833-0664 918-833-0690 918-833-1845 918-833-2211 918-833-2423
918-833-2628 918-833-2647 918-833-2774 918-833-2936 918-834-2413 918-834-2879
918-835-0911 918-835-1264 918-835-1601 918-835-1720 918-835-2453 918-835-2521
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918-836-2515 918-836-2605 918-837-0198 918-838-1528 918-838-1700 918-838-1908
918-838-2986 918-838-3148 918-838-9754 918-839-0169 918-839-0233 918-839-0352
918-839-1165 918-839-2679 918-839-2733 918-839-3131 918-839-3241 918-840-0505
918-840-0533 918-840-0731 918-841-0000 918-841-0667 918-841-0753 918-841-1109
918-841-1860 918-841-2022 918-841-2042 918-841-2458 918-841-2631 918-841-2952
918-841-3458 918-841-3554 918-843-0713 918-843-1161 918-845-0120 918-845-0804
918-845-1153 918-845-1387 918-845-1755 918-845-1824 918-845-1829 918-845-2137
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918-850-0114 918-850-0210 918-850-0565 918-850-0686 918-850-1134 918-850-1251
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918-850-2822 918-850-2885 918-850-2910 918-850-3181 918-851-1424 918-851-1620
918-851-3089 918-852-0998 918-852-1595 918-852-2093 918-852-2225 918-852-3063
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918-853-1773 918-853-2133 918-853-2383 918-853-2417 918-853-2473 918-853-2494
918-853-2600 918-854-0644 918-855-0884 918-855-0929 918-855-1403 918-855-1815
918-855-2025 918-855-2309 918-855-2625 918-855-2757 918-855-2762 918-855-3193
918-855-3258 918-855-6136 918-856-1273 918-856-2147 918-856-2842 918-857-1382
918-857-1899 918-857-2269 918-857-2402 918-857-3167 918-858-0101 918-858-0159
918-858-0226 918-858-0444 918-859-2299 918-860-0198 918-860-0238 918-860-0263
918-860-0408 918-860-0457 918-860-0853 918-864-0846 918-864-1160 918-864-2114
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918-869-2082 918-869-2579 918-869-2940 918-870-1780 918-872-1135