914 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 914:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

914-500-2801 from Manley
This number has called me 8 times since the 1st of January. They never leave a message. I have no idea what they could have wanted.

914-740-4014 from Truesdale
People keep calling and hanging up from this number. If they're going to try to scam me they're gonna have to say something.

914-963-1515 from Kalen
Insurance sales person somehow got my cell # off a quote submission and he was extremely rude and threatened to find and hurt

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Searched numbers in the 914 area:

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914-260-2198 914-260-2233 914-260-2345 914-260-2634 914-260-2708 914-261-0370
914-261-0801 914-261-1581 914-261-1625 914-261-1725 914-261-2292 914-261-2420
914-261-2434 914-261-2610 914-261-2751 914-261-3078 914-262-0169 914-262-0245
914-262-0351 914-262-0485 914-262-0600 914-262-0677 914-262-1013 914-262-1321
914-262-2076 914-262-2260 914-262-2313 914-262-2388 914-262-2548 914-262-2623
914-262-2966 914-262-3033 914-263-0675 914-263-0920 914-263-1072 914-263-1081
914-263-1143 914-263-1840 914-263-2072 914-263-2416 914-263-2947 914-263-3032
914-264-1821 914-265-2303 914-268-0000 914-268-9009 914-269-1942 914-269-2500
914-269-3203 914-270-3211 914-271-0237 914-271-0782 914-271-1349 914-271-1656
914-271-2570 914-271-2592 914-271-2955 914-273-2108 914-273-2688 914-274-1060
914-275-1216 914-275-1799 914-275-1922 914-275-2009 914-275-2286 914-275-2611
914-275-2877 914-276-2008 914-276-2436 914-276-2619 914-276-2861 914-278-1000
914-282-0046 914-282-1152 914-282-1346 914-282-1629 914-282-2381 914-282-2947
914-282-2973 914-282-2974 914-283-1954 914-285-0287 914-285-1136 914-285-1506
914-286-2300 914-286-2776 914-287-2542 914-290-0217 914-290-0437 914-290-1103
914-290-1726 914-290-2381 914-290-2981 914-290-3053 914-290-3070 914-290-3126
914-293-0000 914-293-0007 914-293-0017 914-293-0514 914-293-1236 914-293-2339
914-293-2727 914-293-2730 914-293-2766 914-294-0000 914-294-2161 914-294-2458
914-295-2736 914-297-0000 914-297-2648 914-297-2777 914-297-2992 914-299-0000
914-299-0512 914-299-1141 914-299-1433 914-299-2311 914-299-2432 914-299-2812
914-299-3164 914-302-0546 914-302-2077 914-302-2344 914-302-2470 914-302-2578
914-302-2621 914-304-1000 914-304-2252 914-305-1364 914-305-1511 914-305-1526
914-305-1649 914-305-1739 914-305-2689 914-307-1012 914-307-1177 914-307-1844
914-307-3117 914-307-3183 914-307-3242 914-309-0017 914-309-0227 914-309-0626
914-309-1206 914-309-1217 914-309-1252 914-309-1819 914-309-1894 914-309-2224
914-309-2492 914-309-2539 914-309-2644 914-309-3256 914-310-0000 914-310-0157
914-310-0199 914-310-0581 914-310-1311 914-310-1450 914-310-1655 914-310-2166
914-310-2426 914-310-2500 914-310-3101 914-310-8946 914-312-3041 914-312-3106
914-314-2431 914-315-1223 914-315-1225 914-315-1329 914-315-1423 914-315-1500
914-315-1825 914-315-1959 914-316-0632 914-316-0684 914-316-1221 914-316-2041
914-316-2140 914-316-2322 914-316-2672 914-316-2681 914-316-2710 914-316-2949
914-318-0022 914-318-0052 914-318-0371 914-318-0566 914-318-1116 914-318-1588
914-318-2516 914-318-2548 914-318-2667 914-318-2792 914-318-3035 914-318-3111
914-319-0449 914-319-1245 914-319-1253 914-319-2516 914-319-2962 914-319-3026
914-319-3217 914-320-0327 914-320-0614 914-320-0773 914-320-0867