913 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 913:
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913-888-3104 from L J
Caller identified herself as Jennifer and requested a return call. I have no idea who she is or what she might want but she call to my work to leave this measage.

913-529-2779 from Ambur
I get calls all the time from people looking for 'Steven'. It's the weirdest thing. It's not at the same time, its a random times of the day. And there all from different places, Long Island, New Jersey, and Kansas.
So this is just one of the numbers out of a couple that i saved on my phone.

913-322-2578 from Barclay
Called to collect money that I owed to this debt company. The only problem is, I don't owe anybody any money. It kind of scared me

913-948-6767 from Ashbie
Caller was asking lots of strange and personal questions about my house and things that went on inside the house. When I asked

913-383-9840 from Willhard
Received call. No message was left.

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913-789-2988 913-789-2998 913-789-3169 913-794-0967 913-794-1283 913-794-1285
913-794-1986 913-794-3116 913-795-2808 913-795-3139 913-802-0000 913-802-2233
913-802-2434 913-812-2452 913-814-0154 913-815-2235 913-817-1456 913-825-0935
913-825-0967 913-825-1325 913-825-1442 913-825-1993 913-825-2451 913-825-2503
913-825-2578 913-825-2738 913-825-2882 913-825-2948 913-826-1080 913-826-3172
913-827-0000 913-827-2306 913-827-2460 913-827-2535 913-827-2566 913-827-2694
913-829-0700 913-829-1164 913-829-1772 913-829-2220 913-829-2471 913-829-2581
913-831-0945 913-831-1573 913-831-2041 913-831-2091 913-831-2829 913-831-2873
913-831-3148 913-832-0154 913-832-0404 913-832-0439 913-836-1900 913-837-1608
913-837-1660 913-837-2050 913-837-3066 913-837-3186 913-838-2313 913-839-0460
913-839-0521 913-839-1137 913-839-2355 913-839-3055 913-842-2350 913-842-2638
913-843-0000 913-843-2002 913-843-2837 913-845-0244 913-845-1154 913-845-1562
913-845-2661 913-845-2779 913-845-2979 913-849-3274 913-850-0564 913-850-1000
913-850-1357 913-850-1597 913-850-1814 913-850-1837 913-850-1864 913-850-1985
913-850-2075 913-850-2085 913-850-2140 913-850-2384 913-850-2611 913-850-2618
913-850-2671 913-850-2746 913-850-2821 913-850-3038 913-850-4100 913-850-4143
913-850-4157 913-850-4245 913-850-4337 913-850-4497 913-850-4636 913-850-4669
913-850-8073 913-850-8505 913-850-9333 913-851-0160 913-851-1317 913-851-1608
913-851-2159 913-851-2492 913-851-2572 913-851-3073 913-851-3243 913-853-0300
913-856-2818 913-856-2845 913-859-0090 913-871-0000 913-871-0080 913-871-1011
913-871-1456 913-871-9000 913-871-9059 913-880-0600 913-884-2432 913-884-2991
913-884-3065 913-884-3214 913-886-1707 913-886-2283 913-888-0000 913-888-0523
913-888-0712 913-888-1218 913-888-2290 913-888-2333 913-888-2486 913-888-2924
913-888-3104 913-890-2073 913-890-7941 913-894-0527 913-894-0759 913-894-1738
913-894-2052 913-894-2326 913-894-2722 913-895-0664 913-895-1548 913-895-2892
913-897-0376 913-897-1109 913-897-2049 913-897-2064 913-897-2756 913-897-3205
913-899-1569 913-899-3041 913-901-2650 913-901-3108 913-901-3109 913-904-0000
913-904-0369 913-904-1860 913-904-2600 913-904-2988 913-904-3171 913-905-1475
913-905-1492 913-905-2099 913-905-2261 913-905-2300 913-906-2222 913-907-0474
913-908-0000 913-908-0249 913-908-1231 913-908-1557 913-908-1690 913-908-1731
913-908-2127 913-908-2279 913-909-0000 913-909-0255 913-909-0787 913-909-1339