913 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 913:
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913-888-3104 from L J
Caller identified herself as Jennifer and requested a return call. I have no idea who she is or what she might want but she call to my work to leave this measage.

913-529-2779 from Ambur
I get calls all the time from people looking for 'Steven'. It's the weirdest thing. It's not at the same time, its a random times of the day. And there all from different places, Long Island, New Jersey, and Kansas.
So this is just one of the numbers out of a couple that i saved on my phone.

913-322-2578 from Barclay
Called to collect money that I owed to this debt company. The only problem is, I don't owe anybody any money. It kind of scared me

913-948-6767 from Ashbie
Caller was asking lots of strange and personal questions about my house and things that went on inside the house. When I asked

913-383-9840 from Willhard
Received call. No message was left.

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913-568-3041 913-572-1317 913-572-2512 913-573-1208 913-573-1266 913-573-2352
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913-575-2046 913-575-2602 913-575-2642 913-575-3052 913-575-4080 913-577-1871
913-578-0000 913-578-4442 913-578-5198 913-579-1993 913-579-2811 913-579-2855
913-579-3243 913-584-3025 913-588-2274 913-588-3170 913-588-3177 913-592-2692
913-592-2759 913-592-2765 913-592-2971 913-592-3052 913-593-1537 913-593-1580
913-593-3000 913-593-3029 913-593-3269 913-594-1996 913-594-7602 913-596-2002
913-596-2039 913-596-2666 913-596-2735 913-596-3238 913-597-1352 913-599-0067
913-599-1427 913-599-2052 913-599-2475 913-599-2581 913-599-2874 913-599-3082
913-601-0210 913-602-0451 913-602-0655 913-602-0867 913-602-1294 913-602-1420
913-602-1641 913-602-1820 913-602-2131 913-602-2151 913-602-2159 913-602-2226
913-602-2319 913-602-2767 913-602-2924 913-602-2995 913-617-2024 913-620-0000
913-620-0963 913-620-1065 913-620-1327 913-620-1666 913-620-1740 913-620-1781
913-620-2092 913-620-2143 913-620-2263 913-620-2304 913-620-2719 913-620-2730
913-620-3240 913-621-0000 913-621-0576 913-621-2059 913-621-2079 913-621-2327
913-621-2717 913-621-3114 913-621-3256 913-624-0000 913-624-1568 913-626-1070
913-626-1439 913-626-1716 913-626-2022 913-626-2359 913-626-2425 913-626-2680
913-626-2794 913-627-2790 913-627-3060 913-630-2097 913-631-0000 913-631-1150
913-631-1348 913-631-1363 913-631-3085 913-631-3089 913-631-9600 913-633-0946
913-633-1274 913-633-1455 913-633-1610 913-633-1753 913-633-2302 913-633-2479
913-633-2626 913-633-2675 913-633-2851 913-634-0000 913-634-0332 913-634-0528
913-634-0808 913-634-0943 913-634-1414 913-634-1776 913-634-2122 913-634-2175
913-634-2303 913-634-2758 913-634-3110 913-634-3147 913-634-3157 913-634-6305
913-636-0681 913-636-1457 913-636-1565 913-636-1978 913-636-2137 913-636-2772
913-636-3076 913-636-3178 913-638-0000 913-638-0091 913-638-0545 913-638-1117
913-638-1405 913-638-1486 913-638-1987 913-638-2092 913-638-2271 913-638-2319
913-638-2348 913-638-2566 913-638-2887 913-638-3157 913-639-2399 913-640-2934
913-642-1103 913-642-1107 913-642-2064 913-642-2101 913-642-3249 913-643-1500
913-643-2255 913-644-1288 913-645-0595 913-645-0724 913-645-1973 913-645-2293
913-645-2619 913-645-2780 913-645-2805 913-645-3096 913-645-3131 913-648-0685
913-648-2113 913-648-2751 913-648-2838 913-648-3032 913-649-0000 913-649-0046