913 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 913:
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913-888-3104 from L J
Caller identified herself as Jennifer and requested a return call. I have no idea who she is or what she might want but she call to my work to leave this measage.

913-529-2779 from Ambur
I get calls all the time from people looking for 'Steven'. It's the weirdest thing. It's not at the same time, its a random times of the day. And there all from different places, Long Island, New Jersey, and Kansas.
So this is just one of the numbers out of a couple that i saved on my phone.

913-322-2578 from Barclay
Called to collect money that I owed to this debt company. The only problem is, I don't owe anybody any money. It kind of scared me

913-948-6767 from Ashbie
Caller was asking lots of strange and personal questions about my house and things that went on inside the house. When I asked

913-383-9840 from Willhard
Received call. No message was left.

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913-434-1480 913-438-1990 913-438-2198 913-438-2515 913-438-2834 913-438-2936
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913-439-2206 913-439-2513 913-440-0000 913-440-0154 913-440-0432 913-440-0518
913-440-0539 913-440-1664 913-440-2100 913-440-2112 913-440-2426 913-440-2491
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913-458-2964 913-459-1004 913-459-1992 913-461-1138 913-461-1559 913-461-1933
913-461-3147 913-461-3175 913-461-5125 913-464-2929 913-468-0850 913-469-0000
913-469-0459 913-469-0865 913-469-1669 913-469-2484 913-469-2934 913-469-2983
913-472-0921 913-472-1005 913-481-1165 913-481-1676 913-481-1776 913-481-1807
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913-481-3202 913-481-3214 913-484-0474 913-484-1163 913-484-1278 913-484-1435
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913-485-2903 913-485-3115 913-486-0003 913-486-0006 913-486-0866 913-486-2396
913-486-2596 913-486-3002 913-486-3119 913-488-0473 913-488-1026 913-488-1040
913-488-1732 913-488-2108 913-488-2500 913-489-0059 913-489-1009 913-489-3055
913-491-0000 913-491-0635 913-491-0776 913-491-0822 913-491-1080 913-491-1577
913-491-1669 913-491-2128 913-491-2237 913-491-2853 913-491-3240 913-492-2263
913-492-2913 913-492-4210 913-492-4229 913-495-3048 913-498-0351 913-498-0850
913-498-1079 913-498-1579 913-498-1853 913-498-1952 913-498-2140 913-499-0000
913-499-0134 913-499-1005 913-514-0103 913-514-0559 913-514-0593 913-514-2020
913-514-2049 913-514-2267 913-514-2272 913-514-2354 913-514-2436 913-514-2493
913-514-2518 913-514-2653 913-514-2758 913-514-2934 913-514-2938 913-515-1824
913-515-2197 913-515-2413 913-515-2762 913-515-2842 913-515-2927 913-515-2966