830 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 830:
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830-220-0898 from Burkitt
Very obnoxious caller. Ignore this number.

830-220-1859 from Lionell
keep getting calls from this number. When I try to call them back I get a "not in service" message. I wish they

830-220-0123 from Bazil
This number shows up on my caller id all the time but a message is never left. I hope it is not some sort of stalker/scam

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830-816-2800 830-822-1002 830-822-1176 830-822-1365 830-822-1733 830-822-2034
830-822-2128 830-822-2864 830-832-0991 830-832-1431 830-832-1592 830-832-2301
830-832-2677 830-832-2770 830-832-3038 830-832-3090 830-833-1228 830-833-2405
830-836-0909 830-851-0602 830-857-0293 830-857-1708 830-857-3156 830-857-3246
830-865-1091 830-868-2061 830-868-2619 830-872-2659 830-872-2720 830-875-2085
830-875-2727 830-875-3165 830-876-0000 830-876-6523 830-879-3002 830-885-1072
830-885-1285 830-885-1508 830-885-2292 830-885-2422 830-885-2935 830-889-3048
830-889-3560 830-890-0000 830-890-8023 830-895-2359 830-895-3242 830-896-0281
830-896-0988 830-906-2704 830-907-2133 830-914-3221 830-928-0963 830-928-1928
830-928-2378 830-928-3207 830-931-1061 830-931-1296