830 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 830:
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830-220-0898 from Burkitt
Very obnoxious caller. Ignore this number.

830-220-1859 from Lionell
keep getting calls from this number. When I try to call them back I get a "not in service" message. I wish they

830-220-0123 from Bazil
This number shows up on my caller id all the time but a message is never left. I hope it is not some sort of stalker/scam

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Searched numbers in the 830 area:

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830-625-2777 830-625-2857 830-625-3034 830-626-3130 830-627-0306 830-627-0586
830-627-0810 830-627-2703 830-629-2534 830-634-2249 830-634-2374 830-634-2449
830-634-2480 830-643-2720 830-660-0763 830-660-2187 830-660-2370 830-660-2583
830-660-2959 830-663-2546 830-665-2627 830-669-2478 830-672-1456 830-683-2387
830-688-1421 830-688-2855 830-688-2860 830-693-0462 830-693-0644 830-693-2405
830-701-3029 830-703-0986 830-703-1746 830-708-0000 830-708-0363 830-708-2054
830-708-2112 830-708-2913 830-708-2930 830-713-2540 830-714-0000 830-714-9373
830-715-0549 830-719-0000 830-719-2252 830-719-2264 830-719-3227 830-719-4614
830-722-2869 830-734-0000 830-734-0297 830-734-0316 830-734-0450 830-734-1733
830-734-1777 830-734-2002 830-734-2010 830-734-2240