806 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 806:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

806-771-7965 from Edlyn
Missed calls and no messages have been left.

806-765-7038 from Holdyn
I have gotten a few inappropriate texts messages from this number. Please ignore this immature person.

806-771-7962 from Kendall
I get messages from this phone number in gibberish, I can't understand a word they're saying. Thought I'd report it.

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Searched numbers in the 806 area:

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806-795-1734 806-795-1845 806-795-1858 806-796-0358 806-796-1175 806-797-3242
806-798-3187 806-799-0021 806-799-1762 806-799-1819 806-799-2267 806-799-2971
806-803-2607 806-822-0336 806-831-1037 806-831-1282 806-831-1284 806-831-1423
806-831-2232 806-831-2819 806-835-1915 806-836-1773 806-839-2216 806-841-2911
806-852-2275 806-857-0797 806-857-2730 806-857-3015 806-860-2107 806-863-2644
806-863-2874 806-866-0754 806-868-2951 806-868-3227 806-872-0947 806-872-2855
806-878-2048 806-878-2143 806-881-0000 806-881-1278 806-881-2308 806-881-2796
806-883-2044 806-886-1894 806-891-0605 806-891-1111 806-891-1241 806-891-3062
806-892-3175 806-893-0374 806-893-1900 806-893-1964 806-893-1997 806-893-2957
806-893-3222 806-894-1024 806-898-0690 806-898-2520 806-903-1001 806-917-1899
806-928-1915 806-928-2001 806-928-2778 806-930-2017 806-930-2187 806-930-2639
806-934-2753 806-934-3124 806-935-1469 806-935-2294 806-935-3152 806-938-2389
806-939-2238 806-946-0000 806-950-1295 806-956-2000 806-960-2085 806-965-2809
806-981-1806 806-983-0000 806-983-0577 806-983-2613 806-997-2861 806-998-1062