727 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 727:
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727-536-9990 from Valerie Lynn
Got a phone call from this number and i never picked it up. If you look on google and search that number you will see that there are lots of people being scammed by that number the people that call from that number claim to be from IMC "International Magazine Company"......i never answered my phone and i have a pending scam from someone that called me similar to that issue with this number: 207-669-4204 <--its a scam about magazines. I filed a report with my local police department. Do not give any information. I havent answered my phone from those numbers and i never will.

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727-407-2220 727-408-0406 727-408-0588 727-408-0851 727-408-1234 727-408-1929
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727-409-3100 727-409-3211 727-410-0518 727-410-0737 727-410-1384 727-410-1716
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