708 Area Code

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708-476-5847 from jefe
he prank called me for a day trying to pretend that he had my drivers license and concealed his voice by imitating an old lady

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708-781-3050 708-781-3158 708-781-3185 708-781-3926 708-782-0761 708-782-2010
708-783-0000 708-783-2310 708-783-2550 708-784-0583 708-784-2122 708-785-0000
708-785-0017 708-785-0177 708-785-0533 708-785-1706 708-785-1868 708-785-2022
708-785-2058 708-785-2149 708-785-2273 708-788-0991 708-788-1337 708-788-2019
708-790-2700 708-790-2999 708-793-2111 708-793-3260 708-794-2035 708-795-2490
708-798-0114 708-798-1313 708-798-1322 708-798-1448 708-798-2388 708-798-2424
708-798-2975 708-798-3044 708-798-3119 708-799-1004 708-799-1116 708-799-2225
708-799-3123 708-799-3237 708-802-3226 708-802-3407 708-802-3967 708-802-4011
708-802-4606 708-805-1592 708-805-2118 708-805-2950 708-805-3090 708-805-3110
708-805-3269 708-805-4234 708-806-3008 708-807-0131 708-807-0190 708-807-1166
708-807-1997 708-808-0000 708-813-0386 708-813-0489 708-817-0614 708-819-0000
708-819-0782 708-819-1088 708-819-2298 708-821-1019 708-821-3156 708-821-3157
708-822-0000 708-822-1481 708-822-1608 708-822-2241 708-822-2638 708-822-2644
708-822-2880 708-822-3032 708-822-3255 708-825-3215 708-828-0131 708-828-1265
708-829-1042 708-829-1721 708-829-1767 708-829-2151 708-829-2513 708-829-2662
708-829-2760 708-829-3139 708-829-5746 708-832-0000 708-832-0196 708-832-1794
708-832-2349 708-832-2437 708-832-2447 708-832-2497 708-832-2959 708-832-3200
708-833-0806 708-833-0980 708-833-2920 708-834-1021 708-834-2710 708-836-0351
708-836-0815 708-836-2641 708-837-1606 708-839-1398 708-839-1484 708-839-1794
708-839-3067 708-841-0711 708-841-0738 708-841-0888 708-841-0990 708-841-1601
708-841-1826 708-841-1907 708-841-2291 708-841-2411 708-841-2669 708-843-1110
708-843-1180 708-843-1275 708-843-1492 708-843-1714 708-843-2329 708-843-2351
708-843-2419 708-843-2488 708-843-2949 708-843-3121 708-845-0038 708-845-0136
708-845-0520 708-845-0681 708-845-0842 708-845-1593 708-845-1823 708-845-2148
708-845-2369 708-846-2927 708-846-3109 708-848-0020 708-848-0972 708-848-2052
708-848-2840 708-849-0000 708-849-0681 708-849-0819 708-849-2204 708-849-2747
708-849-2763 708-849-2899 708-850-0506 708-856-0110 708-856-0201 708-856-0445
708-856-0697 708-856-1934 708-856-2423 708-856-2866 708-856-2909 708-857-2500
708-857-3135 708-858-2922 708-860-1880 708-860-1957 708-860-2053 708-860-2152
708-860-2400 708-862-0292 708-863-1516 708-865-0075 708-865-1855 708-865-2029
708-865-2385 708-865-2422 708-867-3107 708-868-1120 708-868-1231 708-868-1609
708-868-1815 708-870-2349 708-872-0000 708-872-1033 708-872-1042 708-872-1083
708-872-1835 708-873-1500 708-875-1035 708-876-3274 708-877-2687 708-878-0386
708-878-0863 708-878-1205 708-878-1854 708-878-2570 708-878-3206 708-878-3237
708-880-0309 708-880-0616 708-880-0748 708-880-1947 708-882-2050 708-883-3209
708-889-1071 708-889-2811 708-890-0495 708-890-0732 708-890-0848 708-890-1608