479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-790-1478 479-790-2394 479-790-2507 479-790-2664 479-790-2750 479-790-3201
479-795-1021 479-795-1219 479-798-2639 479-799-1129 479-799-2674 479-799-2945
479-806-0964 479-806-2155 479-806-2544 479-806-3233 479-806-3252 479-820-2899
479-820-3139 479-820-4389 479-824-2594 479-841-0511 479-841-1324 479-841-2489
479-841-2793 479-841-9264 479-845-1153 479-845-2201 479-845-2995 479-845-3004
479-846-0490 479-846-2430 479-846-2554 479-846-2706 479-846-3500 479-848-0509
479-848-3191 479-855-2201 479-855-2766 479-855-2817 479-855-4253 479-856-1868
479-856-2969 479-857-2201 479-857-2357 479-857-3141 479-857-3160 479-858-1312
479-858-2121 479-858-2124 479-858-2380 479-866-0206 479-866-0603 479-866-0802
479-866-0842 479-866-0988 479-866-1740 479-871-1190 479-871-2889 479-871-3032
479-871-3138 479-872-2194 479-872-2986 479-875-0024 479-876-1791 479-876-2918
479-877-0731 479-878-1048 479-878-3013 479-879-0744 479-879-2144 479-879-2500
479-880-1329 479-883-0505 479-883-0687 479-883-0768 479-883-2754 479-883-2836
479-883-2856 479-883-2911 479-883-3060 479-883-3168 479-886-1091