479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-632-0000 479-632-0854 479-632-1150 479-632-1473 479-632-2005 479-632-2164
479-633-2259 479-633-2867 479-633-3235 479-636-0297 479-636-2253 479-636-2854
479-637-2408 479-643-2403 479-644-1009 479-644-2433 479-646-3991 479-646-4757
479-647-2373 479-647-2449 479-647-3160 479-648-0321 479-648-1025 479-648-1629
479-648-1693 479-648-2323 479-650-2240 479-650-2921 479-650-5285 479-650-6608
479-650-9406 479-651-0000 479-651-0416 479-651-1428 479-651-1548 479-651-1778
479-651-2254 479-651-2302 479-651-2383 479-651-3045 479-651-3193 479-652-1024
479-652-2242 479-652-2471 479-652-2546 479-652-2629 479-653-0419 479-653-2727
479-659-1464 479-659-1488 479-659-1754 479-659-1923 479-659-2907 479-659-2910
479-665-2155 479-665-2451 479-665-2612 479-667-0000 479-667-0458 479-667-0746
479-667-1954 479-670-0000 479-670-2591 479-670-3046 479-670-3798 479-674-2826
479-674-2924 479-675-2072 479-675-2589 479-677-0000 479-677-2180 479-677-2327
479-677-8520 479-685-0000 479-685-1251 479-685-1724 479-685-1838 479-685-3242
479-688-2000 479-695-1190 479-695-1949 479-709-0040 479-710-1192