479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-461-1223 479-461-2777 479-461-3071 479-462-2224 479-462-2231 479-462-2454
479-462-2576 479-462-2739 479-462-6641 479-464-2525 479-466-1818 479-466-2046
479-466-2385 479-466-3148 479-466-3284 479-466-3767 479-466-4145 479-466-4825
479-474-3182 479-477-1328 479-477-2593 479-478-3101 479-483-3224 479-484-0463
479-484-0852 479-494-0418 479-494-1686 479-494-3183 479-502-0000 479-502-0135
479-502-0291 479-502-0361 479-502-0653 479-502-0938 479-502-1140 479-502-1399
479-502-1752 479-502-1832 479-502-2022 479-502-2023 479-502-2476 479-502-2867
479-502-3081 479-502-3275 479-502-3334 479-502-3389 479-502-3600 479-502-3951
479-502-4306 479-502-4445 479-502-4593 479-502-4617 479-502-4690 479-502-4697
479-502-4752 479-502-4798 479-502-4848 479-518-2022 479-519-2528 479-520-3016
479-521-0029 479-521-1275 479-521-1620 479-521-1846 479-521-2899 479-521-3365
479-522-1498 479-522-1762 479-522-1763 479-522-1777 479-522-1908 479-522-2207
479-522-2445 479-522-2901 479-522-3005 479-522-3154 479-522-3250 479-522-3862
479-522-4008 479-524-2585 479-524-2840 479-527-0551 479-530-0006