479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-422-2406 479-422-2980 479-422-3052 479-424-1078 479-424-1305 479-424-2415
479-426-0198 479-426-0601 479-426-0755 479-426-2031 479-426-2417 479-426-2827
479-426-2938 479-426-3501 479-426-3832 479-426-4056 479-426-4379 479-426-4772
479-426-7951 479-427-0000 479-427-0606 479-427-2101 479-427-2142 479-427-2369
479-427-2694 479-427-2753 479-430-0000 479-430-1100 479-430-1786 479-430-1853
479-430-2831 479-434-0912 479-434-2176 479-434-3026 479-434-3203 479-434-3205
479-435-1946 479-435-2639 479-437-3884 479-437-3973 479-438-2902 479-438-3135
479-439-0039 479-439-0093 479-439-0245 479-439-0298 479-439-0636 479-439-0779
479-441-1513 479-441-1521 479-441-1523 479-442-0000 479-442-2033 479-442-2353
479-442-2497 479-443-0719 479-443-2827 479-443-3031 479-444-1742 479-444-1906
479-445-0000 479-445-2013 479-445-2215 479-445-2521 479-445-2545 479-445-2606
479-445-3075 479-451-0922 479-452-0000 479-452-0621 479-452-2159 479-452-2270
479-452-2605 479-453-0000 479-453-0463 479-453-1766 479-453-9812 479-456-2653
479-459-0244 479-459-0535 479-459-2338 479-459-2896 479-461-1223