479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-313-1500 479-313-1546 479-313-1818 479-313-2624 479-313-2655 479-313-2702
479-313-2710 479-313-3196 479-313-3220 479-313-3258 479-313-3273 479-314-2401
479-318-1334 479-322-0000 479-322-0158 479-322-0224 479-322-1031 479-322-1074
479-322-1170 479-322-8550 479-331-1252 479-331-1573 479-331-2330 479-331-2586
479-339-2284 479-353-0558 479-353-1597 479-353-3024 479-355-1569 479-361-2882
479-365-2044 479-365-3006 479-366-1415 479-366-2165 479-366-2272 479-366-2698
479-366-2898 479-366-3097 479-372-1508 479-372-1595 479-372-2505 479-372-3044
479-372-3749 479-387-0573 479-387-1984 479-387-2279 479-387-2322 479-387-2386
479-387-2651 479-387-2656 479-387-2724 479-387-2880 479-387-4387 479-393-0104
479-393-0587 479-393-1090 479-394-0164 479-394-2688 479-394-3209 479-396-0187
479-403-3075 479-409-1548 479-409-1825 479-409-1993 479-410-2484 479-410-3188
479-412-1281 479-414-0229 479-414-1775 479-414-2209 479-414-2857 479-418-0449
479-419-0000 479-419-2511 479-419-3052 479-419-3109 479-420-1773 479-422-0000
479-422-0126 479-422-0889 479-422-1120 479-422-2279 479-422-2406