479 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 479:
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479-502-4593 from Penley
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

479-251-2820 from Watts
I get constant calls from this number. Over and over. They never leave a message. It's probably a spammed number.

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Searched numbers in the 479 area:

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479-886-1091 479-886-2426 479-887-0408 479-889-3281 479-890-2455 479-890-2621
479-899-0119 479-899-2217 479-899-2400 479-899-2440 479-899-2588 479-903-0074
479-903-1273 479-903-1618 479-903-1734 479-903-1878 479-903-2947 479-903-3391
479-903-3420 479-903-3439 479-903-3560 479-903-3781 479-916-2075 479-922-2004
479-924-0259 479-925-0016 479-925-0688 479-925-2330 479-925-2459 479-926-0087
479-926-0855 479-926-1218 479-926-1713 479-926-2006 479-927-2474 479-927-2995
479-936-0884 479-936-0966 479-936-4411 479-936-4596 479-943-3160 479-944-1946
479-953-0271 479-957-2156 479-957-3153 479-963-2646 479-963-3003 479-964-0023
479-964-2760 479-966-0500 479-966-1270 479-966-1840 479-966-2100 479-966-2379
479-967-1097 479-967-1496 479-968-0724 479-968-1285 479-968-2015 479-968-2508
479-970-0590 479-970-1932 479-970-2404 479-970-2479 479-970-2565 479-970-2740
479-970-3635 479-970-3748 479-970-4397 479-972-0002 479-981-0000 479-981-9995
479-986-0000 479-996-0508 479-996-2002 479-997-1856 479-997-2271 479-997-2494