478 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 478:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

478-888-8888 from Stanly
This number called me in the middle of the night. I did some research to find out that it is a taxi cab number in Georgia. They

478-892-3235 from Everitt
I tried to call this number back and I got a message saying the number had been disconnected. It was probably spam.

478-285-6517 from Aindrea
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

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Searched numbers in the 478 area:

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478-538-2068 478-538-2163 478-538-2363 478-538-3067 478-538-3280 478-538-3517
478-538-3887 478-538-4056 478-538-4060 478-538-4391 478-538-4852 478-538-8060
478-542-0313 478-542-0394 478-542-1080 478-542-2196 478-542-3018 478-542-3153
478-542-3167 478-542-3178 478-543-1806 478-550-0249 478-550-0717 478-550-0756
478-550-2413 478-550-2790 478-550-2867 478-550-3253 478-552-2589 478-552-2871
478-553-0060 478-570-2296 478-595-0893 478-595-0979 478-595-1295 478-595-1422
478-595-2652 478-595-2889 478-599-1026 478-601-3139 478-609-3099 478-621-2550
478-627-2031 478-633-1660 478-633-1912 478-633-3174 478-646-0000 478-646-2001
478-676-2145 478-696-0000 478-696-0714 478-696-1533 478-696-2171 478-696-2391
478-696-2832 478-696-2900 478-697-0968 478-697-1555 478-697-1964 478-697-2635