478 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 478:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

478-888-8888 from Stanly
This number called me in the middle of the night. I did some research to find out that it is a taxi cab number in Georgia. They

478-892-3235 from Everitt
I tried to call this number back and I got a message saying the number had been disconnected. It was probably spam.

478-285-6517 from Aindrea
This number keeps calling my unlisted cell phone! They are very annoying!!

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Searched numbers in the 478 area:

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478-297-2275 478-297-2520 478-297-2803 478-297-2869 478-298-1420 478-299-0885
478-299-2400 478-301-0000 478-301-2281 478-301-2290 478-301-2292 478-301-2293
478-301-2480 478-301-2499 478-301-2966 478-308-0834 478-308-1041 478-308-1763
478-308-1837 478-308-2242 478-308-2556 478-314-0238 478-314-0924 478-319-2164
478-319-2179 478-319-2420 478-319-2941 478-319-3024 478-319-3033 478-320-0813
478-320-0955 478-320-1922 478-320-1999 478-320-2055 478-320-2166 478-320-2256
478-320-3095 478-320-3200 478-320-3272 478-320-4001 478-321-3062 478-322-1105
478-327-0711 478-327-2058 478-327-2846 478-329-0863 478-333-2469 478-333-2496
478-333-2534 478-333-3010 478-335-0413 478-335-1475 478-335-2738 478-338-2084
478-338-2417 478-338-2494 478-338-2807 478-347-1234 478-349-1031 478-349-1420