416 Area Code
Recent comments on numbers in area code 416:
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We have comments and information on:
416-778-0218 |
416-837-4135 |
416-847-1150 |
Searched numbers in the 416 area:
416-669-3850 | 416-693-0000 | 416-700-0000 | 416-700-0000 | 416-700-5678 | 416-712-0000 |
416-722-0000 | 416-722-2216 | 416-722-6176 | 416-731-0000 | 416-731-5309 | 416-738-0000 |
416-738-0000 | 416-738-2108 | 416-742-0000 | 416-742-8543 | 416-777-0000 | 416-778-0000 |
416-778-0218 | 416-784-0000 | 416-788-0000 | 416-788-5713 | 416-800-0000 | 416-800-2179 |
416-801-0000 | 416-801-1532 |
416-847-1150 from Blaike
Lots of missed calls from this mystery number. They never leave a message and I'll never know what they want.
416-778-0218 from Atleigh
Missed several calls. No messages.
416-837-4135 from Garwig
Number calls trying to sell us something different every other week. Scammers, don't trust them.