412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-000-0000 412-200-0276 412-200-0722 412-200-0740 412-200-0777 412-200-0823
412-200-0985 412-200-2017 412-200-2034 412-200-2302 412-200-2498 412-200-2623
412-200-2692 412-200-2724 412-200-2846 412-200-2932 412-200-3045 412-201-2256
412-204-1090 412-206-0125 412-206-2225 412-207-1938 412-207-2202 412-207-2337
412-207-2542 412-208-0635 412-208-1102 412-208-1761 412-208-2050 412-208-2240
412-208-2241 412-215-0000 412-215-0143 412-215-0397 412-215-0863 412-215-1465
412-215-2336 412-215-2369 412-215-2422 412-215-2433 412-215-2466 412-215-2492
412-215-2510 412-215-2915 412-216-0544 412-216-0954 412-216-1163 412-216-1428
412-216-1517 412-216-1904 412-220-2308 412-220-2482 412-220-3052 412-221-0847
412-221-1022 412-221-1659 412-221-3613 412-222-1706 412-223-2087 412-223-2632
412-224-1245 412-224-2321 412-224-2400 412-224-2907 412-225-0219 412-225-0350
412-225-1267 412-225-1627 412-225-1778 412-226-1185 412-226-1365 412-226-1380
412-226-1462 412-227-1315 412-227-2588 412-228-2700 412-229-0589 412-231-1548
412-232-0443 412-232-2616 412-232-2972 412-232-3019 412-232-3076 412-233-1037
412-234-0104 412-234-0905 412-234-1603 412-234-1772 412-234-2222 412-234-3175
412-235-2385 412-235-2840 412-236-1567 412-237-1602 412-237-2587 412-237-2923
412-241-0652 412-241-1472 412-241-1718 412-241-1863 412-241-2058 412-241-2320
412-241-2429 412-242-0958 412-242-1053 412-242-1996 412-242-2700 412-243-0780
412-243-0899 412-243-1719 412-243-1775 412-243-1962 412-244-1490 412-244-1701
412-244-3198 412-245-0000 412-245-0006 412-245-0706 412-245-1201 412-245-2165
412-246-2080 412-246-2085 412-246-2741 412-247-0839 412-247-1240 412-249-0000
412-249-0746 412-249-0747 412-249-0749 412-249-2101 412-249-2380 412-250-0256
412-251-1108 412-251-1201 412-251-1202 412-251-1519 412-251-1989 412-251-2166
412-251-2258 412-251-2750 412-251-3045 412-252-2123 412-252-2224 412-252-2769
412-253-0883 412-255-2825 412-255-2937 412-255-2964 412-256-1167 412-257-0000
412-257-1802 412-257-1878 412-257-2052 412-257-2528 412-257-2877 412-257-3067
412-258-1112 412-258-1157 412-258-1189 412-258-1727 412-258-6245 412-258-7929
412-258-7966 412-259-1832 412-260-0000 412-260-0635 412-260-1882 412-260-2199
412-260-2216 412-260-2508 412-260-2533 412-260-2874 412-260-3063 412-260-3116
412-260-9167 412-261-0000 412-261-0633 412-261-1144 412-261-1341 412-261-1811
412-261-2099 412-261-2175 412-261-2227 412-261-2229 412-261-2255 412-261-2480
412-261-2499 412-261-2527 412-261-2992 412-261-3005 412-262-0000 412-262-1153
412-262-1341 412-262-2101 412-262-2482 412-262-2667 412-262-2917 412-262-3068
412-262-3081 412-263-1374 412-263-2025 412-264-1005 412-264-2720 412-264-3329
412-264-3634 412-264-4123 412-265-1265 412-266-0000 412-266-0241 412-266-1042
412-266-1611 412-266-1675 412-266-2260 412-266-2369 412-266-2966 412-267-1067
412-267-3052 412-268-2546 412-268-2556 412-269-0147 412-269-2127 412-269-2508
412-269-2597 412-271-0993 412-271-1009 412-271-1728 412-271-1919 412-271-1983
412-271-2739 412-271-3123 412-276-0000 412-276-1432 412-276-1488 412-276-2661
412-276-3632 412-277-0000 412-277-0670 412-277-0683 412-277-0941 412-277-0997
412-277-1890 412-277-2715 412-277-3166 412-278-1690 412-279-1601 412-279-2122
412-279-2630 412-280-3100 412-281-0000 412-281-0371 412-281-0709 412-281-1252
412-281-1343 412-281-1347