412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-761-2177 412-761-2560 412-761-3259 412-762-0084 412-762-2200 412-762-2425
412-762-2525 412-762-2609 412-762-2955 412-762-3122 412-762-3125 412-762-3154
412-762-3161 412-765-1354 412-765-1797 412-766-1282 412-767-0704 412-767-3115
412-768-0000 412-768-0696 412-768-0698 412-768-0700 412-768-0701 412-768-0707
412-768-0760 412-768-0764 412-768-0819 412-768-0824 412-768-1152 412-768-1944
412-768-2377 412-768-2490 412-770-0000 412-770-1016 412-770-1363 412-770-1500
412-770-1513 412-770-1713 412-770-1919 412-770-1920 412-771-0000 412-771-1165
412-771-1311 412-771-2333 412-771-2505 412-771-2531 412-771-2858 412-771-2863
412-772-0975 412-772-1799 412-773-0000 412-773-0938 412-773-1265 412-773-1390
412-773-1416 412-773-2283 412-773-2930 412-773-2994 412-773-8555 412-774-1990
412-777-2896 412-779-0172 412-779-0413 412-779-0550 412-779-1293 412-779-1414
412-779-1817 412-779-1858 412-779-1995 412-779-2378 412-779-2400 412-779-2473
412-779-2474 412-779-2586 412-779-2606 412-779-2623 412-779-2796 412-779-3088
412-780-0585 412-780-0616 412-780-1098 412-780-1919 412-780-1982 412-780-2043
412-780-3629 412-780-3676 412-780-3868 412-780-4788 412-781-1102 412-781-1982
412-781-2091 412-781-2198 412-781-2769 412-781-3027 412-782-0000 412-782-0174
412-782-0214 412-782-1424 412-782-1532 412-782-1973 412-782-1996 412-782-2057
412-782-2127 412-782-2420 412-782-2846 412-784-3166 412-785-0000 412-785-4982
412-787-2195 412-787-2301 412-788-0000 412-788-0569 412-788-0895 412-788-1683
412-788-1844 412-788-2240 412-788-2614 412-788-2891 412-788-2956 412-788-3115
412-788-3900 412-788-9540 412-791-1550 412-792-3055 412-793-1804 412-793-2106
412-793-2829 412-793-3050 412-793-3178 412-793-8123 412-795-0000 412-795-0407
412-795-0676 412-795-2164 412-795-2563 412-795-2628 412-795-3092 412-798-0000
412-798-1090 412-798-1467 412-798-1795 412-798-1840 412-798-2042 412-798-2573
412-798-3034 412-799-2273 412-801-1218 412-801-1655 412-801-3100 412-802-0000
412-802-1000 412-802-2221 412-802-3100 412-802-9161 412-803-0860 412-804-2005
412-804-2022 412-805-0000 412-805-0046 412-805-0274 412-805-0321 412-805-1437
412-805-1576 412-805-1609 412-805-2644 412-805-2862 412-805-2891 412-805-2970
412-805-7568 412-807-0516 412-807-0585 412-807-0915 412-807-0959 412-807-3100
412-809-2215 412-809-2248 412-812-0461 412-812-0630 412-812-0712 412-812-0924
412-812-1486 412-812-2118 412-812-2282 412-812-2478 412-812-2808 412-816-0238
412-816-2212 412-817-2297 412-817-2345 412-818-0727 412-818-1245 412-818-1401
412-818-1594 412-818-1713 412-818-1990 412-818-2566 412-818-2823 412-818-2952
412-818-2979 412-818-4131 412-820-0044 412-820-0348 412-820-2287 412-820-2299
412-820-2314 412-820-2325 412-820-3889 412-821-0000 412-821-0149 412-821-1605
412-821-1779 412-821-1845 412-821-2003 412-821-2247 412-821-3121 412-822-1958
412-822-2816 412-823-0459 412-823-2429 412-823-2532 412-823-2551 412-823-2760
412-823-2895 412-823-3165 412-824-0000 412-824-1154 412-824-1201 412-824-2001
412-824-3086 412-825-2006 412-826-1174 412-826-2400 412-826-2978 412-827-2503
412-827-3232 412-828-0841 412-828-2304 412-828-2698 412-828-3120 412-829-0241
412-829-0731 412-829-1081 412-829-2364 412-829-2405 412-831-0897 412-831-1068
412-831-1121 412-831-2351 412-831-2385 412-831-2482 412-831-2775 412-831-2808
412-833-2515 412-833-2994