412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-680-0478 412-680-0559 412-680-1498 412-680-2188 412-680-2345 412-680-2410
412-680-2823 412-680-3209 412-681-2405 412-681-2496 412-681-2612 412-681-3072
412-681-3187 412-681-3250 412-682-0649 412-682-1361 412-682-1416 412-682-2506
412-682-2812 412-683-0350 412-683-1004 412-683-1256 412-683-1363 412-683-1500
412-683-2406 412-683-2783 412-683-3181 412-687-1415 412-687-2665 412-687-2687
412-687-2731 412-688-2100 412-688-2818 412-691-0786 412-691-1192 412-691-1258
412-691-1306 412-691-1649 412-692-0318 412-692-1571 412-692-1692 412-692-1811
412-692-1974 412-692-1990 412-692-1996 412-692-2212 412-693-2010 412-696-0109
412-696-1146 412-697-0000 412-697-0291 412-697-0334 412-697-0442 412-697-0581
412-697-0903 412-697-1239 412-697-1600 412-697-3040 412-702-0073 412-705-0946
412-705-1546 412-705-2881 412-706-0000 412-706-1150 412-706-1621 412-706-1821
412-706-5740 412-708-2230 412-708-2289 412-708-2422 412-708-2501 412-708-2751
412-708-3053 412-709-2920 412-711-0476 412-713-0000 412-713-7261 412-715-1018
412-715-1724 412-715-1877 412-715-1979 412-715-2275 412-715-2928 412-715-2988
412-715-3147 412-716-1438 412-716-1720 412-716-2477 412-716-2833 412-716-3005
412-716-3110 412-716-3244 412-719-0756 412-719-1294 412-719-1575 412-719-1630
412-719-1759 412-719-2030 412-719-2651 412-719-2676 412-719-2740 412-719-2931
412-719-2991 412-720-0000 412-720-0790 412-720-2005 412-720-2061 412-720-2439
412-720-2824 412-720-2834 412-720-2913 412-720-3226 412-720-5694 412-721-0000
412-721-0345 412-721-0501 412-721-0701 412-721-0830 412-721-0846 412-721-1072
412-721-1385 412-721-2253 412-721-2979 412-721-2982 412-722-0000 412-722-0365
412-722-1000 412-722-1155 412-722-1808 412-722-1831 412-722-1832 412-722-1890
412-722-2032 412-722-2130 412-722-2904 412-722-3000 412-722-3025 412-722-4430
412-725-1188 412-726-0022 412-726-0136 412-726-0392 412-726-1553 412-726-1676
412-726-1858 412-726-2225 412-726-2781 412-726-2831 412-726-2864 412-726-3177
412-727-1445 412-727-1727 412-727-1737 412-727-1948 412-728-0000 412-728-0167
412-728-0286 412-728-0326 412-728-1094 412-728-1171 412-728-1389 412-728-1803
412-728-1891 412-728-2008 412-728-2499 412-728-2528 412-728-2633 412-728-2848
412-728-3655 412-728-4450 412-731-1375 412-731-1907 412-731-2012 412-731-2112
412-731-2184 412-731-2476 412-731-2754 412-731-3226 412-733-0723 412-733-2071
412-734-0339 412-734-0856 412-734-1139 412-734-1202 412-734-1380 412-734-2073
412-734-2966 412-735-0032 412-735-0187 412-735-0423 412-735-1613 412-735-1688
412-735-2022 412-735-2119 412-735-2310 412-735-2459 412-735-2629 412-735-3025
412-736-1238 412-736-1570 412-736-2148 412-736-2483 412-737-0286 412-739-3055
412-741-1695 412-741-2161 412-741-6692 412-745-2410 412-749-0000 412-749-0244
412-749-0701 412-749-2949 412-751-0120 412-751-0713 412-751-1166 412-751-1360
412-751-1408 412-751-1827 412-751-2040 412-753-2097 412-754-2855 412-758-0435
412-758-1241 412-758-1800 412-758-3028 412-758-3098 412-759-0311 412-759-0319
412-759-0853 412-759-1180 412-759-1471 412-759-2045 412-759-2204 412-759-2313
412-759-2427 412-759-2861 412-759-3234 412-760-0000 412-760-0194 412-760-0500
412-760-0527 412-760-0626 412-760-1204 412-760-2024 412-760-2031 412-760-2067
412-760-2071 412-760-2508 412-760-2582 412-760-2641 412-760-2644 412-761-0458
412-761-0947 412-761-2177