412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-589-2575 412-589-2704 412-589-2878 412-589-3057 412-592-1706 412-592-1855
412-592-2092 412-592-2109 412-592-2261 412-592-2576 412-592-2968 412-592-3099
412-592-3225 412-594-2503 412-595-2002 412-596-0865 412-596-1023 412-596-1451
412-596-1843 412-596-2312 412-596-2509 412-596-2779 412-596-2887 412-600-0139
412-600-0372 412-600-0578 412-600-1888 412-600-2349 412-600-2710 412-600-3058
412-601-0361 412-601-0816 412-601-2055 412-601-2319 412-601-2419 412-605-0712
412-605-2031 412-605-2095 412-605-2141 412-605-2350 412-605-2636 412-605-2645
412-605-2788 412-605-2900 412-605-3159 412-606-0670 412-606-0791 412-606-0909
412-606-1159 412-606-1367 412-606-2167 412-606-2419 412-606-3190 412-607-0452
412-607-0553 412-607-0712 412-607-1480 412-607-1717 412-607-1779 412-607-1850
412-607-2033 412-607-2054 412-607-2324 412-607-2636 412-607-3043 412-607-4430
412-608-0211 412-608-0431 412-608-0660 412-608-0837 412-608-2079 412-608-2267
412-608-2300 412-608-2728 412-609-1484 412-609-3059 412-610-0000 412-610-0600
412-610-1277 412-610-1933 412-610-2245 412-610-2410 412-610-2443 412-610-2675
412-612-3263 412-613-0051 412-613-0416 412-613-1249 412-613-2855 412-613-3149
412-613-3976 412-613-4513 412-613-4687 412-613-4743 412-614-0928 412-614-1588
412-614-1741 412-614-1995 412-621-3124 412-622-0238 412-622-0281 412-622-0455
412-622-0769 412-622-0793 412-622-1854 412-622-1907 412-623-1061 412-623-2117
412-623-2301 412-623-2392 412-623-3099 412-624-1188 412-624-2695 412-626-0336
412-626-0462 412-626-0573 412-626-0833 412-626-0841 412-626-3100 412-628-1249
412-628-1834 412-628-1891 412-628-2371 412-628-2399 412-628-2541 412-628-3043
412-629-1507 412-632-2164 412-632-2328 412-632-2364 412-635-2012 412-638-0147
412-638-0954 412-638-2003 412-638-2577 412-638-2697 412-638-2887 412-638-2971
412-641-0415 412-641-0731 412-642-1700 412-642-2052 412-642-2057 412-643-0000
412-643-0584 412-643-1201 412-644-0165 412-646-1231 412-646-1358 412-646-1928
412-646-2554 412-646-2921 412-647-1895 412-647-2240 412-648-2330 412-650-0000
412-650-1031 412-650-2383 412-650-2799 412-650-3097 412-650-8297 412-651-0245
412-651-0563 412-651-1240 412-651-1283 412-651-2086 412-651-2457 412-651-2503
412-651-2605 412-651-2824 412-651-3037 412-651-3046 412-651-3080 412-651-3154
412-653-0032 412-653-0649 412-653-1571 412-653-1660 412-653-2117 412-654-1486
412-654-3113 412-655-0287 412-655-0768 412-655-0848 412-655-2968 412-655-3238
412-656-3155 412-657-0991 412-657-1302 412-657-1400 412-657-1444 412-657-1637
412-657-1945 412-657-1952 412-657-2056 412-657-2117 412-657-2185 412-657-2542
412-657-3033 412-657-3160 412-658-1179 412-659-0310 412-661-0329 412-661-0508
412-661-0927 412-661-0956 412-661-1700 412-661-1838 412-661-1863 412-661-2123
412-661-2223 412-661-2231 412-661-3148 412-664-0373 412-664-0947 412-664-1470
412-664-1781 412-664-1782 412-664-1924 412-664-1952 412-664-3045 412-664-3190
412-665-0570 412-665-0655 412-665-2535 412-665-2712 412-667-2006 412-667-2476
412-667-2580 412-667-2651 412-667-2667 412-667-2924 412-667-2992 412-668-0643
412-670-1255 412-670-1278 412-670-1340 412-670-3009 412-670-3254 412-670-7598
412-671-1888 412-672-0180 412-672-0584 412-672-0654 412-672-1056 412-672-1884
412-672-2521 412-673-0673 412-673-1865 412-673-2442 412-673-2642 412-673-2889
412-678-1815 412-680-0478