412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-346-0173 412-347-2227 412-349-0000 412-349-0353 412-349-0720 412-349-0908
412-349-1000 412-349-2687 412-350-0000 412-350-0157 412-350-2204 412-350-2633
412-350-2848 412-350-3127 412-350-3217 412-350-3656 412-351-0118 412-351-0994
412-351-1210 412-351-2149 412-351-2412 412-351-3175 412-352-0133 412-352-1313
412-353-0000 412-353-0875 412-355-0863 412-355-2480 412-355-2635 412-356-2002
412-357-0000 412-357-0073 412-357-0251 412-357-3217 412-359-2111 412-359-2245
412-359-3124 412-359-3214 412-359-4595 412-361-0000 412-361-0245 412-361-0716
412-361-0990 412-361-1033 412-361-1326 412-361-1579 412-361-3628 412-361-4248
412-361-4298 412-362-0752 412-362-1166 412-362-1191 412-362-1777 412-362-3224
412-363-0000 412-363-0712 412-363-1176 412-363-1277 412-363-2885 412-363-3212
412-363-3232 412-363-4000 412-364-0000 412-364-0719 412-364-1208 412-364-2762
412-364-2889 412-364-8261 412-365-1497 412-365-2598 412-365-2895 412-365-3074
412-366-0850 412-366-1111 412-366-1576 412-366-2050 412-366-2057 412-366-2270
412-366-2278 412-366-2609 412-366-2627 412-366-3120 412-366-3217 412-367-1242
412-367-1295 412-367-2208 412-367-2358 412-367-2665 412-367-2724 412-367-2899
412-367-3248 412-368-0000 412-368-1603 412-368-2000 412-369-0186 412-370-0000
412-370-0008 412-370-0595 412-370-0855 412-370-1405 412-370-1918 412-370-2003
412-370-2857 412-370-2873 412-371-0070 412-371-1155 412-371-1343 412-372-0000
412-372-0998 412-372-1375 412-372-1397 412-372-1455 412-372-1737 412-372-2045
412-372-2308 412-372-2460 412-372-2578 412-372-3226 412-373-0000 412-373-0160
412-373-1140 412-373-2541 412-373-2707 412-373-2877 412-373-3039 412-374-0718
412-374-1528 412-374-2715 412-374-3135 412-376-0885 412-376-2806 412-376-3229
412-377-0000 412-377-0192 412-377-1040 412-377-1337 412-377-1362 412-377-1742
412-377-2308 412-377-2719 412-377-2996 412-377-3133 412-378-1759 412-378-2385
412-378-2675 412-378-2754 412-378-2805 412-378-3072 412-378-3138 412-378-3167
412-380-2029 412-381-0000 412-381-0244 412-381-0956 412-381-1397 412-381-1709
412-381-1936 412-381-2737 412-381-2831 412-381-3167 412-381-4765 412-382-1697
412-383-2206 412-383-2457 412-383-3082 412-384-1508 412-384-1809 412-384-2453
412-384-2812 412-387-0278 412-387-1116 412-387-1838 412-389-0585 412-389-0790
412-389-0849 412-389-1475 412-389-1608 412-389-1671 412-389-1884 412-389-2682
412-390-2082 412-391-0192 412-391-1216 412-391-2439 412-391-2665 412-391-2924
412-391-3190 412-391-3916 412-392-2757 412-394-1364 412-395-0000 412-395-0864
412-395-2168 412-395-2203 412-395-2204 412-395-2207 412-395-2210 412-395-2211
412-395-2213 412-395-2214 412-395-2218 412-395-2220 412-395-2346 412-395-2364
412-395-2367 412-395-2375 412-395-2383 412-396-2146 412-398-0000 412-398-0042
412-398-0091 412-398-0408 412-398-0521 412-398-0600 412-398-0834 412-398-0938
412-398-1436 412-398-1676 412-398-2634 412-398-2923 412-398-3180 412-400-0000
412-400-0581 412-400-0631 412-400-0868 412-400-1195 412-400-1272 412-400-1414
412-400-1530 412-400-1631 412-400-1650 412-400-1689 412-400-1825 412-400-1906
412-400-2065 412-400-2310 412-400-2676 412-400-2727 412-400-2758 412-400-3184
412-401-0000 412-401-0022 412-401-0442 412-401-0756 412-401-1234 412-401-1426
412-401-1487 412-401-2378 412-401-2705 412-401-2758 412-401-2856 412-401-2952
412-401-3087 412-401-8453