412 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 412:
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412-722-4430 from jayson
some guy called me from this number and said he needed more money for crack and called me douche bag

412-995-1803 from Bletsung
Received calls from this number. They never leave a message so I never know what they want. I really want the calls to stop.

412-885-7617 from Ivor
Keep getting calls from this number. It is most likely an annoying prank caller but I thought I would report it just in case.

412-901-8510 from Ertha
Call trying to collect money. The only problem is I don't owe any money. They are probably scammers who think people will just

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412-913-3238 412-913-3363 412-913-3613 412-913-3877 412-913-3970 412-913-4231
412-913-4862 412-913-5964 412-914-0326 412-915-1350 412-915-1405 412-915-1664
412-915-2710 412-915-2933 412-916-0461 412-916-1712 412-916-1790 412-916-1838
412-916-2151 412-916-2390 412-916-2923 412-916-2948 412-916-3079 412-918-1132
412-918-1664 412-918-1696 412-918-2203 412-918-2267 412-919-2733 412-920-0292
412-920-1813 412-921-1308 412-921-2865 412-922-0561 412-922-1098 412-922-2113
412-922-2714 412-922-2869 412-923-2227 412-925-9707 412-926-3080 412-927-0000
412-927-0483 412-927-0617 412-927-0661 412-927-0717 412-928-3206 412-928-3207
412-931-0117 412-931-2812 412-931-3237 412-932-1000 412-935-0908 412-937-1312
412-937-2801 412-937-3095 412-938-2715 412-939-2640 412-942-0000 412-942-0082
412-942-0446 412-942-2257 412-942-2850 412-942-7331 412-942-7332 412-944-0300
412-951-0100 412-951-1253 412-951-2735 412-951-3056 412-951-3146 412-951-3260
412-951-8210 412-952-0000 412-952-0182 412-952-0312 412-952-0393 412-952-0772
412-952-1001 412-952-1272 412-952-1712 412-952-1982 412-952-2170 412-952-2391
412-952-2424 412-952-2985 412-952-4091 412-953-0007 412-953-1991 412-953-2414
412-953-2496 412-953-3098 412-953-3206 412-954-2054 412-955-1891 412-955-2710
412-956-0995 412-956-1320 412-956-1611 412-956-1893 412-956-1980 412-956-2111
412-956-2190 412-956-2450 412-956-2558 412-956-2864 412-956-3030 412-956-3229
412-956-3338 412-957-2475 412-961-2028 412-961-2201 412-961-2227 412-961-2476
412-961-3097 412-962-2556 412-962-2922 412-963-0211 412-963-1304 412-963-1306
412-963-1635 412-965-0245 412-965-0928 412-965-1533 412-965-1671 412-965-2227
412-965-2860 412-965-2953 412-965-3118 412-967-0748 412-967-0965 412-967-1435
412-967-2027 412-967-2293 412-967-3041 412-967-3044 412-968-1111 412-968-1208
412-968-2697 412-969-0544 412-969-1198 412-969-1643 412-969-2448 412-969-2457
412-969-2541 412-969-2603 412-969-2792 412-969-3225 412-969-3236 412-969-3247
412-969-4147 412-973-0042 412-973-0859 412-973-2267 412-973-2574 412-973-2711
412-973-2819 412-973-3146 412-973-4470 412-977-0744 412-977-0871 412-977-1305
412-977-1611 412-977-2396 412-977-2475 412-977-3014 412-977-3152 412-977-3178
412-979-0000 412-979-0166 412-979-2041 412-979-2377 412-979-2711 412-979-3221
412-980-0000 412-980-0661 412-980-2320 412-980-2396 412-980-2609 412-983-0336
412-983-0363 412-983-0666 412-983-0905 412-983-1269 412-983-1762 412-983-1980
412-983-2055 412-983-2337 412-983-2440 412-983-3128 412-983-3945 412-985-2998
412-992-0535 412-992-1041 412-992-1089 412-992-1209 412-995-0000 412-995-1803
412-995-1807 412-995-1812 412-995-1848 412-995-1854 412-995-1856 412-995-1859
412-995-1873 412-995-1885 412-995-1886 412-995-1887 412-995-2710 412-995-2713
412-995-2719 412-995-2725 412-995-2728 412-995-2735 412-995-2740 412-995-2758
412-995-2759 412-995-2762 412-995-2769 412-995-2777 412-995-2909 412-995-2951
412-995-2957 412-995-2974 412-995-2980 412-995-2987 412-996-0000 412-996-0134
412-996-0160 412-996-1280 412-996-1796 412-997-1005 412-997-3000 412-997-3035
412-997-3113 412-999-0000 412-999-0000 412-999-0347 412-999-0696 412-999-1913
412-999-1926 412-999-2254 412-999-2301 412-999-3038