217 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 217:
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217-364-7134 from Latesha
This number keeps calling and hanging up. If they hang up again I am going to be reporting them.

217-625-6899 from Varik
Caller asks for my mom and when she comes to the phone hangs up. They have to be some sort of scammers.

217-935-3529 from Loreta
DO not answer this phone number if they call you. They are very annoying telemarketers.

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Searched numbers in the 217 area:

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217-556-1776 217-556-2013 217-556-2506 217-556-2897 217-556-3208 217-557-1534
217-557-1722 217-560-2037 217-560-2656 217-560-2864 217-564-2919 217-565-2128
217-566-2367 217-569-2526 217-572-2935 217-575-1105 217-577-3033 217-578-2883
217-578-3119 217-581-0723 217-581-2818 217-582-2699 217-585-2340 217-585-2915
217-586-1657 217-586-2099 217-586-2573 217-586-2848 217-586-3180 217-590-2532
217-596-0000 217-596-4075 217-597-1375 217-597-2209 217-597-2216 217-597-2677
217-597-3057 217-597-4304 217-607-0092 217-607-0134 217-607-1433 217-614-2707
217-617-0000 217-617-0222 217-617-0457 217-617-0788 217-617-2203 217-617-2387
217-617-3121 217-617-3278 217-617-4844 217-619-1351 217-619-2265 217-619-2618
217-619-2756 217-620-1223 217-620-1434 217-620-1544 217-620-2075 217-620-2100
217-621-0278 217-621-0407 217-621-1165 217-621-1283 217-621-1615 217-621-2449
217-621-2868 217-621-2880 217-622-0142 217-622-0294 217-622-1168 217-622-1309
217-622-1348 217-622-1394 217-622-3000 217-622-3356 217-622-3379 217-622-3561
217-622-3718 217-622-3941 217-622-4085 217-622-4219 217-622-4263 217-622-4703
217-625-0000 217-625-6899 217-626-1184 217-630-3000 217-632-2113 217-633-2037
217-633-2222 217-637-0166 217-637-0488 217-637-0839 217-637-1288 217-637-2070
217-637-2222 217-637-2234 217-637-2253 217-637-2626 217-637-2800 217-637-2844
217-637-3028 217-638-0429 217-638-0641 217-638-1559 217-638-1809 217-638-1975
217-638-2346 217-638-2957 217-638-3183 217-641-0000 217-641-1492 217-642-2197
217-649-0091 217-649-0707 217-649-0825 217-649-1663 217-649-2025 217-649-2169
217-649-2669 217-649-2683 217-649-2988 217-649-3044 217-649-3078 217-649-3087
217-650-0851 217-652-0000 217-652-1657 217-652-1715 217-652-1781