212 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 212:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

212-417-3224 from Heather
Male caller asked for the CEO (mispronouning his last name) and when I asked to take a message the caller mumbled not thanks and hung up.

212-299-7881 from Wanda
The person calling ask for the owner of the company but has his name wrong, I tell them he is not in is there any thing I can help them with and they then ask for his cell phone number that they have missplaced it and it is important that they get in touch with him. I said I will put you into his voice mail and they insist that it is extremely important. I said if you knew his cell phone # then I will put you into his voice mail and if you already had it he will call you back and give it to you again, Then they hung up on me.

212-719-9600 from Torley
I think my phone number got sold :(. How do I get on one of those do not call lists? Try to ignore this number if they call you.

212-554-9999 from Lillah
This number has left several messages on my machine...in HEBREW. At least I thick it's Hebrew. I can't really tell for sure. I

212-496-2244 from Cydorn
This number calls and asks for my mother and when I say she's not home (even if she is) they hang up quickly! Ignore this

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Searched numbers in the 212 area:

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212-669-0000 212-669-2104 212-669-2258 212-669-2293 212-669-2399 212-669-2671
212-669-2933 212-669-3024 212-669-3142 212-669-4621 212-669-4697 212-669-4752
212-669-8748 212-670-0291 212-670-1638 212-670-2758 212-671-0116 212-671-0861
212-671-1284 212-671-2251 212-671-2431 212-671-2650 212-671-2748 212-671-2910
212-671-2983 212-672-2180 212-672-2253 212-673-1136 212-673-1542 212-673-2276
212-674-0108 212-674-1916 212-674-2768 212-675-0157 212-675-1190 212-675-2295
212-675-2414 212-675-2516 212-675-2541 212-675-3108 212-676-0941 212-676-1564
212-676-2826 212-677-0570 212-677-2188 212-677-2345 212-677-2835 212-677-2877
212-677-2898 212-678-0007 212-679-0258 212-679-2136 212-679-2807 212-680-1490
212-680-1986 212-680-3027 212-681-2222 212-681-2703 212-681-3061 212-681-3135
212-681-3200 212-682-0059 212-682-2061 212-682-2143 212-682-2387 212-682-2744
212-682-2853 212-682-3017 212-682-3232 212-683-0000 212-683-0049 212-683-0308
212-683-0740 212-683-2077 212-683-2102 212-683-2188 212-683-2265 212-683-2351
212-683-2381 212-683-2392 212-683-2485 212-683-2716 212-683-2882 212-683-2894
212-683-2914 212-683-3184 212-683-3189 212-683-3247 212-684-0654 212-684-1845
212-684-2022 212-684-2184 212-684-2257 212-684-2898 212-684-3023 212-684-3183
212-684-3225 212-685-0201 212-685-0328 212-685-0450 212-685-0650 212-685-2121
212-685-2347 212-685-2976 212-686-0000 212-686-1089 212-686-2704 212-686-2943
212-686-3069 212-687-1073 212-687-3209 212-688-0069 212-688-0104 212-688-1027
212-688-2196 212-688-2242 212-688-2748 212-689-0450 212-689-1166 212-689-2063
212-689-2302 212-689-2394 212-689-2468 212-689-2641 212-689-2945 212-689-3263
212-689-8392 212-690-2828 212-690-3138 212-691-0009 212-691-0494 212-691-0936
212-691-1000 212-691-1544 212-691-2199 212-691-2229 212-691-2516 212-691-2563
212-691-2656 212-691-2997 212-691-3878 212-691-4117 212-691-4121 212-691-4251
212-691-4719 212-692-0255 212-692-2045 212-692-2246 212-692-2377 212-692-2477
212-692-2634 212-692-2837 212-692-2906 212-694-2544 212-694-2995 212-695-0000
212-695-0310 212-695-0593 212-695-0775 212-695-0831 212-695-2128 212-696-0051
212-696-0147 212-696-0247 212-696-0296 212-696-0382 212-696-0519 212-696-1023
212-696-1166 212-696-1926 212-696-3108 212-696-3163 212-696-3204 212-696-4496
212-696-4770 212-697-0880 212-697-0901 212-697-1633 212-697-1839 212-697-1925
212-697-2672 212-697-2942 212-697-3115 212-698-1585 212-698-2638 212-698-3171
212-699-0941 212-699-2295 212-699-2980 212-699-3016 212-699-3020 212-699-3027
212-699-3028 212-699-3225 212-701-2602 212-701-3060 212-702-0143 212-702-0304
212-702-0543 212-702-1728 212-702-3268 212-704-1569 212-704-2109 212-704-3229
212-705-3012 212-706-0139 212-706-0780 212-706-1416 212-706-1971 212-706-2011
212-706-2442 212-707-2840 212-707-2858 212-707-2923 212-708-1462 212-708-2757
212-708-3065 212-708-3146 212-709-1639 212-709-1648 212-709-2840 212-710-1341
212-710-1712 212-710-2596 212-712-1756 212-712-1878 212-712-3104 212-713-2222
212-714-0245 212-715-0279 212-715-0326 212-715-0416 212-715-1175 212-716-1875
212-716-2612 212-716-2650 212-716-2664 212-716-7551 212-717-0380 212-717-1053
212-717-1441 212-717-2486 212-717-2883 212-717-2971 212-718-2320 212-719-0000
212-719-1723 212-719-9600 212-720-1281 212-720-2724 212-720-3120 212-721-0000
212-721-0276 212-721-0388 212-721-1059 212-721-1093 212-721-1700 212-721-1755
212-721-2020 212-721-2815 212-721-2916 212-721-3037 212-721-3254 212-722-0003
212-722-0541 212-722-1731 212-723-1153 212-723-1830 212-724-1869 212-724-2337
212-725-1438 212-725-1691 212-725-2125 212-725-2415 212-725-2445 212-725-2521
212-725-2926 212-725-3040 212-725-3179 212-727-1814 212-727-2044 212-727-2408
212-727-2748 212-728-2397 212-729-0163 212-729-0446 212-729-0949 212-729-1104
212-729-1242 212-729-1760 212-729-1878 212-729-1912 212-729-3026 212-729-3148
212-729-3263 212-729-3713 212-730-0523 212-730-1714 212-730-2839 212-730-2951
212-730-3252 212-731-0000 212-731-0880 212-732-0061 212-732-1970 212-732-2223
212-732-2319 212-732-2573 212-732-2624 212-732-2739 212-733-0795 212-733-1000
212-733-1662 212-733-2984 212-733-4807 212-734-0984 212-734-1124 212-734-2036
212-734-2289 212-734-2938 212-735-2335 212-735-2368 212-735-2398 212-735-3206
212-736-0481 212-736-1244 212-736-2919 212-737-0768 212-737-1438 212-737-2043
212-737-2141 212-737-2500 212-737-2577 212-737-2999 212-737-3209 212-738-0908
212-739-0818 212-739-1211 212-739-1313 212-740-0348 212-740-0761 212-740-2503
212-740-2971 212-740-2979 212-740-3162