212 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 212:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

212-417-3224 from Heather
Male caller asked for the CEO (mispronouning his last name) and when I asked to take a message the caller mumbled not thanks and hung up.

212-299-7881 from Wanda
The person calling ask for the owner of the company but has his name wrong, I tell them he is not in is there any thing I can help them with and they then ask for his cell phone number that they have missplaced it and it is important that they get in touch with him. I said I will put you into his voice mail and they insist that it is extremely important. I said if you knew his cell phone # then I will put you into his voice mail and if you already had it he will call you back and give it to you again, Then they hung up on me.

212-719-9600 from Torley
I think my phone number got sold :(. How do I get on one of those do not call lists? Try to ignore this number if they call you.

212-554-9999 from Lillah
This number has left several messages on my machine...in HEBREW. At least I thick it's Hebrew. I can't really tell for sure. I

212-496-2244 from Cydorn
This number calls and asks for my mother and when I say she's not home (even if she is) they hang up quickly! Ignore this

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212-265-2886 212-265-3353 212-265-3602 212-265-7682 212-266-2335 212-266-2521
212-266-2555 212-268-2039 212-268-2087 212-268-2721 212-268-2866 212-268-2921
212-268-2945 212-268-3108 212-268-3235 212-268-3246 212-268-4147 212-269-2565
212-269-2999 212-269-3066 212-270-0509 212-270-0861 212-270-1834 212-270-1894
212-270-2724 212-270-2785 212-270-2889 212-270-3102 212-271-1471 212-271-1944
212-272-1141 212-272-2162 212-272-2421 212-272-2610 212-272-2756 212-272-2885
212-272-3081 212-272-3209 212-272-3237 212-272-3369 212-272-3579 212-272-3732
212-272-3789 212-272-3896 212-272-3903 212-272-4046 212-272-4125 212-272-4161
212-272-4331 212-272-4426 212-272-4788 212-273-0858 212-273-1060 212-273-1939
212-273-2565 212-273-3182 212-274-0000 212-274-2330 212-274-2790 212-275-0000
212-275-1095 212-275-2329 212-276-0560 212-276-0938 212-276-0978 212-276-2481
212-276-2487 212-276-2714 212-276-2852 212-276-4487 212-277-0000 212-277-0501
212-277-1645 212-277-2223 212-277-2716 212-278-0662 212-279-0000 212-279-0053
212-279-0091 212-279-0107 212-279-0946 212-279-1073 212-279-2443 212-279-3092
212-279-3122 212-280-1638 212-280-2465 212-280-3225 212-281-0000 212-281-0375
212-281-0400 212-281-0578 212-281-1275 212-281-1350 212-281-1567 212-281-1837
212-281-2577 212-281-2835 212-281-2849 212-282-0450 212-282-1202 212-282-2064
212-282-2430 212-282-2671 212-283-0016 212-283-0412 212-283-1260 212-283-2012
212-283-2107 212-283-2264 212-283-2297 212-283-2415 212-283-2863 212-284-0000
212-284-2042 212-284-2821 212-286-1202 212-286-2499 212-287-2727 212-287-2828
212-287-2879 212-288-0420 212-288-2569 212-288-2583 212-288-2817 212-289-1989
212-289-2019 212-289-2095 212-289-2261 212-289-2663 212-289-3188 212-289-4325
212-290-0000 212-290-1341 212-290-2094 212-290-2247 212-290-2966 212-290-3706
212-290-3942 212-291-2187 212-291-3126 212-292-0001 212-292-0232 212-292-0786
212-292-1400 212-292-2239 212-294-2445 212-294-2917 212-295-1051 212-295-2507
212-295-2565 212-295-2748 212-296-0515 212-296-3134 212-297-3096 212-298-1917
212-299-0000 212-299-0359 212-299-1230 212-299-2504 212-299-2901 212-299-7881
212-300-0000 212-300-0291 212-300-1478 212-300-2116 212-300-2823 212-300-3029
212-300-3037 212-300-3059 212-300-3077 212-300-3078 212-300-3166 212-300-3312
212-300-3506 212-300-3767 212-300-4874 212-300-4890 212-302-2425 212-302-2493
212-302-2853 212-303-2404 212-303-2612 212-304-0240 212-304-2699 212-304-2828
212-304-2985 212-305-3263 212-307-1477 212-308-0027 212-308-0228 212-308-0750
212-308-1018 212-308-1573 212-308-1649 212-308-1701 212-308-2089 212-308-2232
212-308-2276 212-308-2370 212-308-2882 212-308-2891 212-308-3113 212-308-3158
212-309-1658 212-309-3009 212-309-3024 212-310-0738 212-310-1700 212-310-2008
212-311-0000 212-311-2472 212-312-1558 212-312-3240 212-313-1333 212-313-1930
212-313-2567 212-314-0820 212-314-1420 212-315-1683 212-316-1540 212-316-1742
212-316-2116 212-317-0000 212-317-1849 212-317-2090 212-317-2889 212-317-3858
212-318-1892 212-319-0046 212-319-0194 212-319-0392 212-319-1141 212-319-2026
212-319-2283 212-319-2999 212-320-0424 212-320-0879 212-322-1682 212-322-2356
212-322-2357 212-322-2459 212-323-1129 212-323-2774 212-324-1687 212-324-2654
212-325-2542 212-325-2566 212-325-2673 212-325-2683 212-325-2959 212-325-3054
212-326-0000 212-326-1799 212-327-0164 212-327-0609 212-327-0619 212-327-1351
212-327-1540 212-327-1973 212-327-2026 212-327-2339 212-327-2373 212-327-2624
212-327-2711 212-327-3231 212-330-0000 212-330-0354 212-330-1645 212-330-2018
212-330-2298 212-330-2400 212-330-2459 212-330-2818 212-330-3003 212-330-3049
212-331-0000 212-331-2003 212-331-2239 212-331-2575 212-331-3109 212-332-0231
212-332-3045 212-333-2087 212-334-1133 212-334-2161 212-334-2538 212-334-3224
212-335-0005 212-336-0081 212-336-0268 212-336-1551 212-337-0674 212-337-2017
212-337-3116 212-338-0207 212-338-0254 212-338-2343 212-338-2923 212-339-2206
212-339-2315 212-339-2522 212-339-2900 212-339-2902 212-340-2474 212-340-2552
212-340-2580 212-340-2630 212-340-2721 212-340-2738 212-340-3242 212-341-2547
212-341-2867 212-342-2323 212-342-2709 212-342-2961 212-342-3068 212-343-0694
212-343-0899 212-343-1588 212-343-1997 212-343-2451 212-343-3234 212-344-0646
212-344-0874 212-344-2458 212-344-2850 212-345-2584 212-345-3096 212-345-3161
212-345-3228 212-346-0607 212-346-0719 212-346-1001 212-346-2001 212-348-2891
212-348-2997 212-349-2489 212-351-2275 212-351-2525 212-351-2546 212-351-2561
212-352-0004 212-352-0645 212-352-1346