208 Area Code

Recent comments on numbers in area code 208:
Click the phone number to see all of its comments.

208-991-1197 from Received a Junk Call
I received a junk call, it got disconnected in nust 15-20 sec... it seems an auto answering machine.

208-424-3394 from Garadin
I think this is some sort of scam. I get several calls from this number with no message. When I called the number

208-629-3101 from Winthorp
This number is related to a guy who is a job recruiter. Ignore the call if you get one. If you don't they'll keep

208-792-6282 from Salhtun
This phone number is used when some one tries to call you over the internet. I'm not really sure how it works but I

208-656-4565 from Johnnie
Got this call today,no answer ,must be a scam that needs to be disconnected,so they cant make calls

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208-292-2721 208-292-2828 208-293-0000 208-293-0000 208-293-2601 208-293-2965
208-295-0000 208-295-6840 208-297-0000 208-297-7957 208-298-0000 208-298-2060
208-301-0429 208-301-1918 208-301-1950 208-301-2138 208-301-2165 208-301-2418
208-301-2923 208-301-3111 208-301-3157 208-303-1038 208-304-2122 208-304-3071
208-305-2278 208-305-2723 208-305-2978 208-305-3062 208-305-3576 208-305-3823
208-308-0000 208-308-0359 208-308-0871 208-308-2337 208-308-3335 208-310-1663
208-310-1818 208-310-1843 208-310-1940 208-310-3212 208-312-3014 208-313-3194
208-313-3239 208-315-0564 208-315-0902 208-315-1575 208-315-1649 208-315-1745
208-315-1917 208-315-2222 208-315-2379 208-315-2965 208-315-3110 208-315-3218
208-315-3957 208-316-0000 208-316-1234 208-316-2027 208-316-2446 208-316-2916
208-316-3059 208-316-4430 208-316-6880 208-317-0000 208-317-0016 208-317-0462
208-317-1807 208-317-2691 208-317-3364 208-318-2205 208-319-0000 208-319-0092
208-319-0542 208-319-2467 208-320-0979 208-320-2624 208-321-1966 208-321-2155
208-321-2780 208-322-0000 208-322-0056 208-322-0268 208-322-0783 208-322-0877
208-322-1806 208-322-2385 208-322-2449 208-322-2485 208-322-2774 208-322-2897
208-322-2943 208-322-2945 208-322-3053 208-322-5502 208-322-8112 208-323-0058
208-323-0995 208-323-1873 208-323-2392 208-324-1052 208-324-3241 208-329-1367
208-331-0000 208-331-0595 208-331-0688 208-331-0781 208-331-1593 208-331-2057
208-331-2073 208-331-2108 208-331-2627 208-331-7097 208-332-2351 208-333-0002
208-333-2393 208-334-0000 208-334-1500 208-334-2196 208-334-2608 208-334-2734
208-334-2955 208-335-2211 208-336-0000 208-336-0709 208-336-1420 208-336-1852
208-336-2599 208-337-2182 208-337-2214 208-337-2417 208-338-0869 208-339-0000
208-339-0477 208-339-0521 208-339-2075 208-339-2540 208-339-3011 208-339-3263
208-339-3488 208-340-0000 208-340-0308 208-340-1901 208-340-2144 208-340-2167
208-340-2674 208-340-3079 208-340-7328 208-342-0140 208-342-0237 208-342-0458
208-342-0804 208-342-1086 208-342-1180 208-342-1549 208-342-1770 208-342-1909
208-342-2136 208-342-2946 208-342-3228 208-343-0395 208-343-0450 208-343-0451
208-343-2952 208-343-2954 208-343-3170 208-344-2383 208-344-2663 208-344-2770
208-344-3184 208-345-0000 208-345-1073 208-345-1589 208-345-1639 208-345-1926
208-345-3662 208-346-0000 208-346-0915 208-346-1639 208-346-1927 208-346-2026
208-346-2300 208-346-2869 208-346-2928 208-347-2745 208-350-0000 208-350-0235
208-350-1007 208-350-1088 208-350-1800 208-350-2304 208-351-0000 208-351-1046
208-351-1597 208-351-1686 208-351-1971 208-351-2444 208-351-2635